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Everything posted by yk9001

  1. Agreed, this was one of the more pain free slide shows. Another pet peeve is built in videos on a page (usually with an ad at the beginning).
  2. Let me tell you what you need to do to take care of this problem....
  4. Has the OP even seen any of the donald sterling interviews the past few weeks? Someone in authority made official what anyone with a brain could see... that he's mentally unfit. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/clippers/2014/05/30/donald-sterling-mental-health-shelly-los-angeles-sale-steve-ballmer/9754549/ But yeah, he can buy the Angels.
  5. This thread is stupid on so many levels, but even the opening premise doesn't fit: Under Section 1033, an involuntary conversion is defined as a destruction or loss of the property through casualty, theft or condemnation action pursuant to government powers of eminent domain, and the resulting compensation from such destruction or condemnation. [iRC Section 1033(a)]. Even though the sale and/or compensation for the property were essentially forced on the taxpayer, the taxpayer is still liable for any capital gain tax liability on the compensation received. However, if the property is subject to an “involuntary conversion”, the taxpayer has the ability to defer the payment of the depreciation recapture and capital gain taxes on the involuntary conversion under the non-recognition provisions of Section 1033. [iRC Section 1033]. You tell me how Sterling selling the Clippers fits any of the bolded above. It has to be casualty or theft or eminent domain by the government.
  6. But the cop was CLEET certified, so its all good.
  7. I disagree. It doesn't 'stand for anything meaningful', IMO. Its pandering. And a chance for MLB to sell more product. http://shop.mlb.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=21506046
  8. The RBI (Reviving Baseball in the Inner Cities) needs a LOT of help. 50 cent John Wall Swaggy P Caron Butler
  9. They blow. They are ugly - really, really ugly. They walk that fine line between patriotism and pandering. Did I say they are fugly? What the heck do they do with Toronto? Most of the 30 MLB uniforms are attractive (I'm not talking to you, Miami). Wear those. Don't do this silly camo stuff. To paraphrase a not-famous message board poster: Stop it, MLB. Just stop it.
  10. I was talking to a co-worker, and her iphone went crazy. Amber Alert. I called it to a T, just be hearing the beeps: Latino or African American, custody struggle. http://www.google.org/publicalerts/alert?aid=99c08f8f19a8493f&hl=en&gl=US&source=web
  11. Early contender for best backhanded compliment of 2014.
  12. My friends and family still kid me about the time Joe called me "Paul from Lakewood..... idiot.." on the air. A proud moment.
  13. I never understand this line of thinking. It comes from otherwise rational people trying to justify stupid behavior in stupid people. I sincerely doubt this d-bag cares about the old lady, whether he was drunk or sober.
  14. Rex is an idiot, and now he's KC's idiot. Smith is so forgettable that there isn't one mention of him, positive or negative, 15 replies in. He's the radio equivalent of watching grass grow.
  15. Yeah, right. You ever seen a white, or black, owner of a quickie mart in So Cal? If so, call That's Incredible!
  16. Any time a public service employee with a badge is harmed, they are labeled as heroes. Even if it is just a cement mixer accidentally crashing into a police car. A shop owner in a not-so-great part of town is shot. http://www.lbreport.com/news/may14/susp7th.htm If this poor shop owner dies in the line of his duty, is he a hero? And if not, why?
  17. You lose brain cells by paying attention to the HOT SPORTS TAKES guys.
  18. There are always other great articles, as well. http://www.theonion.com/articles/brutally-honest-new-revlon-ad-campaign-reminds-cus,35968/ Brutally Honest New Revlon Ad Campaign Reminds Customers You Can’t Change What You Are
  19. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It wouldn't be bad if he was here working. Good god, the dollars and hours wasted so this guy can get his fundraising in. Its mind boggling. Last night was a cluster f around Century City. Today will be the same.
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