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Everything posted by JustATroutFan

  1. I couldn't care less who is the better defender between the two. I would rather be an elite hitter who plays very good defense than be a very good hitter who plays elite defense. There's never been anyone who has been an elite defender with no bat who has gotten a big deal. But there's been elite hitters who has no defense that has received big deals.
  2. Defensive WAR is a crappy stat. It just nit picks when a player makes a bad defensive play and really penalizes a defender for one bad play. There's no way that Trout cost his team like 6 runs on defense this season.
  3. Just another idiotic tweet from an idiot (no offense) who thinks baseball is comparable to basketball. FTOH!
  4. You are a smart guy who knows baseball, @Angelsjunky but this is still not even a debate. Trout is, by far, the best player in all of the Major Leagues right now. He had to deal with having a child this season so his mind wasn't always into his job. Betts' second best OPS+ in a season is 135. That's not elite. Slash line in 2019, the season where he had a 135 OPS+, were inflated in the juiced baseball season. Betts has had one great season as a hitter, which came in 2018. 2018 was the same season in which the Red Sox had Cora running the show. And I don't like to hate on Cora because the guy is a smart baseball man but he's got some cheating allegations against him. So who knows how much did Betts really benefited from having Cora as his manager in 2018.
  5. Dodgers getting that asterisk in a fake season. It will never happen again when a team wins it all in 60 games played.
  6. Wait, I thought one year wonder Bellinger was better than Trout. My bad, fluke 2019 season. 2020, 60-game season. Throw the numbers out the window! Be quiet, @Angelsjunky! Trying to be nice right there.
  7. Maybe if Trout had been his usual "clutch" self in high leverage plate appearances this season, a .156/.341/.250 slash line...
  8. 2018? Okay, now you're just making up stuff. While Pujols wasn't the only problem for the Angels missing the postseason like every single season of the Trout Era, he's been a big part of it. Bad starting pitching, bad bullpen, etc. It's too bad the Angels couldn't get the monster hitter of Pujols of St. Louis to be in an Angels uniform.
  9. It's illegal for athletes to bet on games. And Pujols can't retire soon enough. Hasn't been the same ever since he stopped using steroids after leaving the Cardinals and McGwire.
  10. One of the many reasons why this season should have an asterisk right next to it: The Marlins made the 2020 postseason after a 57-105 season in 2019.
  11. Nah. 2017 was still a consistent, awesome season for him. Only one bad month, which was September. Won't count July 2017 because he played in like 5 games. It's just this season (*****) and 2014.
  12. The only season that comes to mind since 2012 that I know that Trout was somewhat streaky was 2014. I mean, he still had an excellent season at the plate that year but it felt like he wasn't quite at his best at the dish.
  13. If I were him, I would as well in this sorry season. And especially when there's love ones out there who could die because of the stupid virus.
  14. Trout just struck out against another chump pitcher. Time for Trout to opt out of this fake season and get ready for the real 162-game season in 2021.
  15. Save for next season when there's a 162-game season. Didn't give jack chit about this stupid season anyways.
  16. No. But Pujols was a product of both steroids and the inflated offensive era.
  17. Trout now making a scrub in Gibson look a lot better than who he really is. SMH!!!
  18. Also, McGriff should be in the MLB Hall of Fame. 493 career home runs? *****, didn't have a chance to get there because of the strike in 1994 that continued into 1995.
  19. One day, we'll see guys like Bonds, Clemens, and Manny in the Hall of Fame. Why? Gaylord Perry cheated when he was pitching in the big leagues and is still in the MLB Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame has lost a lot of credibility over the years, especially when you see guys like Jack Morris and Harold Baines make it. No shade at those two players but does anyone really think that they're really worthy of making it into the Hall of Fame, outside of the voters?
  20. Trout might not win the MVP or even second in the MVP this season. What is going on? Oh wait, fake season. *********
  21. Sure, lets judge Ward, a guy who has never hit much before this fake season, in a fake season.
  22. Pujols needs to take his steroids that he took when he was with the Cardinals again. #McGwire
  23. And stupid Pujols failed to hit a single home run in April of 2012. If he even got two, the Angels might have made the playoffs that year. Should have called McGwire for some steroids after the first week of 2012.
  24. Trout's the 2010's version of Bonds, minus the steroids. Or the 2010's version of Ted Williams. Superstar hitters that's supposedly lacks the "clutch" gene. Aaaannnnddd Trout doesn't give a flying bleep.
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