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Posts posted by Hubs

  1. 6 minutes ago, mmc said:

    Who said Montgomery was going to be manager?  Also you know absolutely nothing about whatever “Minasian calling games from the field” even means.  It’s been reported by Jeff and others that all in game decisions have been left to the managers.  The arrogance you speak with in your posts claiming to know exactly what’s going on when it’s been proven you know incredibly little is absurd

    I don't know what's going on, but I do know what I've read. And what has been reported has been that Perry is controlling things from the front office. Now you may not believe Maddon, but that's what he said. And the fact that he put a Bench Coach (Montgomery) in Maddon's Dugout in his first year as GM, so he'd have influence...which was stated by Maddon, and again you choose not to believe him and believe what you think instead. Then he re-hired the interim manager, with no experience, under the guise of the impending sale, so he'd have a manager he could control.

    Perry was just waiting for a reason to fire Maddon, and it was a bad decision, in my opinion.

    To me when something is reported as being a duck, then walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's not a cat. It's a duck.

    And one other note, I've been posting here and writing for this site since 2004. When you were maybe what 4? So maybe a little respect instead of being constantly confrontational and an arrogant know-it-all yourself. Just because you live on this board and post nearly every breaking news as soon as it's reported doesn't mean you yourself have any idea what's going on you just have twitter alerts set and this page constantly in a tab on your browser.... 

    You and I don't agree and thats fine, but hey, no need to call me arrogant or my posts absurd. I don't call you out on your posts, I just disagree with them. OK?



  2. Ray Montgomery will last one season, and then he and Minasian will both be fired. You can't manage games from the front office. You can prepare your coaches, prepare your pitchers and hitters, but you have to let them do it on their own. 

    If all of you are pro-Minasian, you have to see that he did a terrible job on the field for the past three years, especially post Maddon? The Angels are 223-263 in the three years under Minasian, with Maddon was 104-114, with Perry 119-149.... In a few more games, they were 30 games under with Nevin and Minasian calling the games from the front office.

    They had the AL MVP 2x in that span. And Trout, who when healthy is still a top 10 player in the league. Maybe Minasian isn't doing a good job calling it from the front office?


  3. 5 minutes ago, Angels 1961 said:

    I've been a fan since December 1960 I'm not going away. I look at numbers of games played last 3 years of Trout and Rendon they do not lie. Dream on if you and Perry are counting on those 2 in 2024 to be the difference. Eight losing seasons and what will change in 2024?

    You're either bizarre in your takes or you're intensely negative. Or positive for weird reasons. I'm just tired of your posts. 

  4. Some of my issues with overreaching have to do with my own management (non-baseball) career. I believe firmly in delegating and letting my employees do their thing. I hate micro management and one of my own bosses is the epitome of this. (One is a micro manager and the other is a delegator, I get along much better with the delegator). Micro management is so annoying and is among the worst traits in management. 

    Whomever the front office hires, they need to trust to give them the data and the details and let them manage the game. They also need a huge overhaul in their own analytic process, as these are not all equal. Clearly the Dodgers or Rays are doing something the Angels aren't. They need to emulate that.

    This also goes for Arte and Carpino as well. Trust your employees to do their best and delegate responsibilities.

  5. 3 minutes ago, m0nkey said:

    Brandon Hyde had a winning percentage of .391 the past 4 years, then it’s .623 this year. Did he all of a sudden get that much better?


    The manager is going to be close to irrelevant. 

    If you think this is anything other than player development and good coaching....

    If you really think the Manager is irrelevant, then why did Philly have success under their new manager and not under Girardi?


  6. 2 minutes ago, m0nkey said:

    How does one determine what makes a good manager?

    It's obviously hard to do for the Angels. They've had two dozen managers in 60 plus seasons, and only three or four good ones.

    For new managers, you'd have to look at their interview, and demeanor, and coaching experience. For veteran managers, results matter, but sometimes you look at the circumstances where they had their first shot and see why it didn't work. 

  7. 1 minute ago, TroutBaseball said:

    The Astros had 14 injuries. Only 2 on the 60 day

    They had depth in their minors that came up to compete. After the Slump in August, the Angels started to bring everyone up so some of these "60 day Injuries" wouldn't normally have been but they needed a spot on the 40 to bring up some of these kids. Plus they made major trades and then let all those guys go (and more)...the injuries look bad, but it's really on par with others. 


  8. 1 minute ago, mmc said:

    You and everyone else needs to seriously get over the whole President of Baseball Ops thing.  It’s a title used to either poach executives from other teams, and prevent our own guys from being poached.  It has no real meaning outside of that, and certainly wouldn’t here, where Arte will continue to have an ultimate say in all baseball ops

    I want a baseball guy running the whole show. Not just a GM who has to answer to several folks, like Carpino or Kuhl or Moreno. The Owner needs to take a step back, and let a baseball guy run everything. 

    If you think that's Perry, sure, but I don't.

  9. Maybe the case can be made that the injuries wrecked this team, but honestly, the Rangers had major injuries, the Astros did as well, and they both made the playoffs. The Dodgers used 39 pitchers. 61 total players, and they won their division.

    The Angels need to improve the periphery of the club, in regards to nutrition, training staff, etc. They need a new Baseball guy in charge of everything, and let Moreno fade to the back like he wants. If he's not gonna sell.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Angels 1961 said:

    I was there in 61 and 62 when he took an expansion team to more wins then anyone thought. I saw how he used his pitching staff. Scioscia had bunch of all stars. Gene Mauch all the players Gene Autry got him and he could never win it. Mauch blew 3 to 1 lead against Boston in 86. Look at how Rigney used his pitchers in 62 just amazing. 

    I was -18 years old in 1961.

    But Rigney didn't top 86 wins. He didn't make the postseason, and never would've even with divisional alignment. He might be your favorite manager and that's fine, but C'mon. Scioscia was the best manager this club has ever had.


  11. 5 hours ago, Blarg said:

    If Arte fires Minasian it will set the club back another four year cycle. That is how long it takes for any GM to make a real change in the way the organization runs.

    Minasian has created change from the minor leagues working up. With support for his long term plan the Angels may be able to break the cycle of hiring half a team of free agents and actually create a cost effective roster. 

    But that requires Moreno to change with the GM instead of negating any moves by over spending on free agents while under budgeting the farm and analytics department. Moreno has to change, you can't buy championships. You have to build that team from the ground up. 

    I don't know a job that you can fail this badly for three years and expect to be back. Stoneman took over a team and won the World Series in year 2. So it can be done. 

    The farm / scouting may have been better in the 90's but the team very much operated as a mid market under Autry and Disney...they didn't spend the way Arte has on payroll. 

    What they need is a President of Baseball Ops, and a new GM, someone entrusted to run the entire operations department and keep Carpino and Kuhl out of the media, and keep Arte out of spending, etc. They need to redo the scouting departments, embrace technology and analytics (but keep out of in game decisions, the divide needs to be clear). They need to emulate the Dodgers front office and work to build the whole organization back into a consistent winner.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Angels 1961 said:

    Scioscia was a very good manager. He was very close to being number one but just a little behind Bill Rigney.

    He's the best manager in club history. No debate.

    Mauch is a good 2nd place. Rigney is not even 3rd. 

  13. 19 hours ago, UndertheHalo said:

    I think there’s some value to continuity.  Personally, I think Nevin is a guy that you can win with.  The players like him, he handles the media well.  I don’t get the point of changing him when he’s been given teams with obvious flaws that are severe, terrible injury luck and really absurd under performance from an entire pitching staff.  The Angels problems don’t have anything to do with Nevin as far as I’m concerned.  And it’s not like he’s going to cost much. 

    What, specifically has shown you he is "a guy you can win with"

    He's 17 games under .500 and was 14 under last year. He's not a good manager.

  14. 1 minute ago, Stradling said:

    Suggest we read a book from a guy that was a huge part of the problem. Pass. 

    You think he was a huge part of the problem? Without hearing/reading his side of things? Maddon had a ton of injuries too, but his record is a lot closer to .500 than Nevin or Ausmus.

    And he as a career .532 record as a manager even with the Angels Stints and some bad Rays teams.


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