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Everything posted by Ace-Of-Diamonds

  1. how does a player that's never hit more than 9 HR in 7 season suddenly hit 28 in his next season?
  2. Boston Red Sox Heyman | Red Sox expected to target Eric Hosmer this winter
  3. In 2021 the CBT will raised to $210,000,000, do there will still be room for Trout's salary increase.
  4. The rocks are better than that monstrosity it the Miami OF.
  5. No to Arrieta, and Tanaka decided not to opt out and will stay with Yankees.
  6. No to Arrieta No to Bourjos Maybe to Revere as 4th OF.
  7. Richards, Skaggs, Heaney, Shoemaker, Ramirez, Tropeano, Bridwell, Smith, and Barria. That's 5 out of 7 not counting the AAA Smith and Barria. Although getting a couple of middle of the rotation starters sounds good, what's to say they don't end up needing TJ themselves? I think Eppler isn't bluffing about staying with what pitching we have in house, so I really don't think all this talk about Arrieta or Darvish is going to happen... Maybe it's just me but I tend to take Eppler at his word, not so much Arte though.
  8. ANAHEIM – The Anaheim City Council and the Angels gave their blessing to a developer’s plan to build a massive, L.A. Live-like project near Angel Stadium. The council on Tuesday unanimously approved LT Global’s LT Platinum Center, a $450 million mixed-use development that would include a hotel, high-rise office buildings, stores, entertainment, apartments and condominiums on a 15-acre lot on State College Boulevard and Orangewood Avenue in the city’s Platinum Triangle area.
  9. Their scoreboard boards are a stupid looking and are too small. Getting in and out of the parking lot is a nightmare with only 1 way in or out. The I-5 is to be avoided just before and after every home game.
  10. Look for Calhoun to have a career year for him in 2018, to quote a Beatles song I have a feelin'. He is better than what he showed in 2017. Same goes for Cron, but I thought Cowart would have a good partial season once called up to the majors last season. So what do I know?
  11. And in 2022 Albert comes off the books so we are still $4M ahead. It didn't actually go from zero in 2022 because someone would have to play LF and they would have been paid.
  12. Are you sure? AAV means the entire contact is averaged over the entire length of the contract. So the AAV should the same in 2018 as in 2022. If not it doesn't make sense to me.
  13. No. A full year of Upton over Maybin makes us greatly improved. Upton 35HRs, 109 RBIs, 100 runs .273/.361/.540/.901 Maybin 10HRs, 35 RBIs, 63 runs .228/.318/.365/.683
  14. Agreed, If the starters pitched better the bullpen may have been needed less. In 2014 the Royals' pen was lights out, If the starters could get through 6 with a lead that was the ballgame, not so much this year though. I think the managers pulled the starters too soon in many cases. A pitchers pitches 4 scoreless innings gives up a double in the fifth and they go to the pen.
  15. They weren't important for the Astros, they cost the Astros big time. They needed to score 12 runs to overcome their bullpen blunders in game 5. The bullpen may have an important part for the Yankees and Dodgers to go as far as they did, but Houston's offense was better than all of their bullpens. Edit. Although the bullpen may have used a lot doesn't mean they were good, at least the Astros bullpen was terrible.
  16. Actually it was the offense of Houston's that won the World Series as their bull pen was atrocious. The Dodgers pen was quite good but not enough to overcome Darvish's awful pitching.
  17. Clean up his defense, haven't you heard he is a finalist for a gold glove? LOL
  18. Eppler pitching will come from in house. Again forget Darvish, Arieta, others...
  19. Does the signing bonus still figure into the AAV? I'm guessing it does or else teams would do it all the time to avoid the penalties for going over.
  20. Upton decision time "Should I go or should I stay"
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