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Everything posted by Ace-Of-Diamonds

  1. Well Trout has come in second three times even though he was the better player, a couple of years ago there was talks about Betts, and Altuve having a chance to beat out Trout. I'm just saying if Stanton hits 50 HRs and has 125 RBIs and an OPS of 1.000 he has a chance. Mickey Mantle was the best of his generation in the AL but lost the MVP two years in a row to Roger Maris because of the HR. Mantle had an OPS+ in 61 of 208, WAR of 10.5 and came in second to Maris with an OPS+ of 167, WAR 6.9. Mantle was first ballot HOF Roger Maris didn't get in. Shit Happens.
  2. Stanton is less of a risk than other long term deals such as Pujols, Wilson, Hamilton, and Gary Matthews Jr. Stanton is young in the prime years of his career and coming off his best season ever winning the MVP. He would give Trout a run for his money getting another MVP.
  3. Stanton has a full no trade contract, so if he wants to play for the Angels then that's where he'll play as long as the Angels want him. The Angels can trade Calhoun to someone or he could be part of a three team deal if the Marlins don't want him.
  4. Bottom line Trump is racist, sexist pig.
  5. It worked for Richards and he was then gone after another unrelated and uncommon injury to a nerve. I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss his chances. He will most likely begin the season in the bullpen. Meyer on the other will not play next year, in all probability.
  6. Why does he do any of the really stupid things he does and say?
  7. Why hasn't Trump responded to this like he has to every other report that is not in his favor? He never takes the high road and remain silent, he lashes out. He buts in to things like the Time Warner/ATT merger because he doesn't like CNN, but not to dispute this story.
  8. Any interest in Todd Frazier from this board? His OBP was .344, 27 HR, and OPS+ 107. He plays both 1B and 3B. He won't cost a draft pick and shouldn't cost as much as other free agents. His SLG against LHP was .552 and a combined 2 team bWAR of 3.4. I haven't heard much talk about him on this board. I'm no expert at picking talent just curious what everyone's take on him is.
  9. And is was no chip shot, it was a 63 yard attempt so it was unlikely to be successful from the get go.
  10. Kershaw is the real deal, but he may not stay healthy. Anyone can get hurt at anytime, we can't be too worried about things that may or may not happen. We need some depth in the minors just in case.
  11. Have you seen Deliverance? They are Trump supporters. Really can't believe anyone of intelligence fails for someone that is his own best fan. Everything is fake news to him including irrefutable proof.
  12. According to latest polls his approval rating is ~38%. The lowest of any president at this point in their term since polls have been taken.
  13. President Donald Trump has reportedly suggested at least twice in private that the so-called Access Hollywood tape—which shows him bragging about groping women—is fake. “He suggested to a senator earlier this year that it was not authentic, and repeated that claim to an adviser more recently,” The New York Times reported, in a story about Trump’s risky political move to back Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who is mired in sexual misconduct allegations. Trump, of course, issued an on-camera apology shortly after the comments were published last October, and admitted to making the remarks.
  14. President Trump Now Says That Wasn't Him on Access Hollywood Tape http://www.vulture.com/2017/11/trump-now-says-that-wasnt-him-on-access-hollywood-tape.html So now, Trump not only is insisting that the lies he spouts all day are true, but also has created a new set of facts that contradicts the ones he has already acknowledged. But, hey, who are you going to believe, President Trump or your lying ears?
  15. I am baffled by anyone short of red necked inbreds being pro Trump.
  16. Rams have 13 point lead with 14:11 left in the game 23-10.
  17. Archbishop of Canterbury baffled by Christians who back Trump https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/archbishop-canterbury-baffled-christians-who-back-trump-n824001
  18. Rams go to half time leading New Orleans 17-10.
  19. The first year of his presidency appears to make a mockery of that statement, given the problems he’s had in Congress and the fact that his approval ratings are the lowest of any president at this point in his term as far back as there was polling. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
  20. No, but inflation over 10 years may make $40M/yr seem reasonably for a player of Trout's caliber in 6 years or so. Someone will pay him tat and it's only a $16M more than he is making now in AAV and only $10M in actual dollars.
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