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Posts posted by hen3ry

  1. A college buddy of mine sang in the opera there for several years. The two things that stand out for him were the humidity and the traffic.


    Houston.  It's like LA, but with more humidity and more conservatives.

  2. I can't fault a guy for not wanting to pitch when the act of pitching is causing him significant physical pain.  And I could see the 'suck it up' attitude if he was our best option.  I'm honestly not seeing either.  Let him get the surgery, get as healthy as he can and see if he can contribute from the pen next year maybe.  Never know - he might become a decent 7th inning option for us in 2016.  


    And I wouldn't mind if he decided to develop a knuckler.  


    As for the money, Arte's on the hook either way, and his trade value is about the same as Matt Joyce's right now.  So that money's really already spent.  Only thing you can do going forward, in any of these situations, is to do the best you can with what you're holding.  Concentrating on the dollar amount of the contract just leaves you open for the sunk cost fallacy.

  3. It seems like we hate the fans of any team who is good. Imagine that!


    What are the scientific odds of that!


    Honestly, I can't bring myself to hate on the Astros fans.  Part of that is because I have a personal friend who works for the organization - and I teased him a lot when he got his first shot with the quadruple-A Houston franchise a couple years ago.


    But really, I only truly despise Boston.  Everything else is just good fun, and I can't bring myself to hate on the fans of a team that's doing well just because they're happy they're doing well.   I suppose it's the 1986-1995 difference.  In 1995 we did it to ourselves, I can't hate Seattle fan for that, even when they were obnoxious about it.  In 1986, (the rest of this paragraph has been censored for the sanity of anyone who's still sane around here).



    And Houston fan has got a point - unless the Astros undergo an epic collapse like we did in 1995, they're going to the post season.  We could get hot and catch them, take the West away, but Houston's playoff fate is entirely in its own hands - at worst they're a wild card, even if we go back on a tear.  When this year started, if you told Houston fan that they'd have a shot at the wild card, you'd've probably heard a lot of scoffing and "yeah maybe in another year or two".  The division was out of the question.  The non-bandwagon portion of their fanbase has suffered for a while now, I'm not going to hate on them for finally having a reason to be happy.



    I'm gonna hate on our own boys for looking like dogshit this week.  They need to get it together, and start playing like they want to play more than 163 games this year.

  4. http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/the-most-imbalanced-teams-in-mlb-trade-deadline-edition/





    Two thoughts spring immediately to mind:

    1)  Without Trout, we're a "perfectly balanced" team I think.  Trout's 7-ish WAR singlehandedly shoves us significantly into the "position players are better" side of the graph.

    2)  Without Trout, we'd be comparable to the Cleveland Indians.  


    A further one occurs:  "So much for our much vaunted starting rotation" 



  5. As far as roster construction, until August 31, you've got:


    9: Your starting 9 (includes 2 of the 4 above platooners)

    2: The other two, in backup OF/PH role

    1: Featherston (Rule 5, backing up 2b and ss)

    1: Perez (Have to have a backup catcher)

    1: Gillespie (when Freese gets back)  [Robertson sits in this spot until Freese gets back]


    14 position players

    11 pitchers.


    After Aug 31, Robertson comes back up, along with Navarro, Kuby, Marte, and a couple others.  


    Biggest bench hole, honestly, is that we're using Featherston to backup the middle infield spots.  And it's not as if anyone has someone who can really rake sitting as their backup infielder - we might have one of the worst, but the spread between worst and best isn't huge.

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