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Posts posted by hen3ry

  1. We have to face the fact that this is a barely-over .500 team playing barely over .500.   The bullpen is about average.  The rotation is about average with potential upside.  The lineup is about average due to a lot of holes.  The bench is weaksauce.  Overall, average.

  2. I looked at the box score and almost spit out my beer. Can Giavotella even make a throw that far?


    Dunno.  Two fly outs and a grounder to first.  Street pitched smart given his defense.


    That was Gia's first time at shortstop as a professional.  Majors.  Minors.  Nada.

    It was also Gillaspie's first time at second base as a pro.  


    If only we could have somehow worked out an emergency catcher in somehow too.... who is the emergency catcher, anyway?

  3. Gotta love that -41 OPS+ from DeJesus.


    How do you even get a negative OPS+ ? And 41 to boot!


    Apparently it's possible.  -100 is the result of an OPS for a person who goes 0-for the season with no walks (usually pitchers).  

    The formula is actually 100 * (OBP/lgOBP + SLG/lgSLG -1).

    So if OBP and SLG are both zero, it reduces to 100 * (-1) = -100.


    negative 41 is amazing, though.


    With us, DeJesus has a .129 OBP and .069 SLG.  Terr'ble.


    The league average are .314 and .404


    100 * (.129/.314 + .069/.404 - 1)

    100 * (0.411 + 0.171 - 1)

    100 ( -0.418)

    So yeah, -41 (or -42) before park adjustment.


    And I thought it was "as low as you can go" when Iannetta's dropped to 1 earlier this year.  Hell, Featherston's got a positive 12.

  4. Meh.  Here's an idea.


    Maybe you can get Arte to rent the site from you for some ridiculously overinflated amount - say 2.3 million over 8 years?  Then he can hire a fat italian to run the board.  Win win!



    Meh... on second thought that would only work if this place was on the downswing of its lifespan.

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