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Posts posted by hen3ry

  1. traditionalists will hate it, but they'll get over it.  if we have to change the rules about collisions at the plate because a star catcher got banged up, changing the rules on pitchers hitting because a star pitcher got hurt doing something which isn't even his real job seems logical.


    You'll still have occasional moments of humor when teams run out of position players and are forced to put a pitcher out there, but that's pretty rare in the AL as it is.  To the point I can't remember the last time an AL pitcher took the field at a different position; every incident I can think of of this was an NL team.

  2. Hamilton is trying to break up this message board too. Pitting posters against each other. Don't give him the satisfaction!


    Yes.  We cannot forever argue whether half of us hope Hamilton never plays baseball again, and the other half hopes he comes back and sucks as bad for them as he did for us, so we might have the satisfaction of booing him.  We should just all be glad that he is gone, and hope that the wisdom to put Green in left until and unless a better option presents itself prevails.

  3. The Angels didn't "offer" him anything.  They're legally on the hook to pay this scumbag.  They managed to sucker someone else into picking up (a relatively small) part of the check, and got him to go away at the same time, is all.


    The reality is, in the end, if the Angels fought it, they'd extend the drama out for months, perhaps a year or two, pay exorbitant fees to their lawyers, and probably in the end still have to pay at least something to Hamilcaine.  Instead they got the equivalent of being paid $15 million not to go to court.  

  4. Ibanez got to stick around a bit because of injury last year, though, IIRC.  


    For Butera to stick around, all he has to do is hit half his weight.  That is, admittedly, a challenge for him.


    Maybe we can keep him around as a mop-up pitcher though...

  5. New here, been following the team since 1982 though.   Grew up in SoCal, moved last year for work purposes to Fresno.  Last year, I could hear the games on the radio, on 620 AM.  Until the station went dead during the playoffs, and came back as some sort of Bengali and Portuguese hybrid station.  Kinda disappointing, since finding the games on 620 was part of what reassured me that, yeah, I can handle living here in the armpit.

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