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Everything posted by 1nutkruk

  1. I just threw up in my mouth. I might stop eating chicken for awhile.
  2. There are African Americans in Wisconsin?
  3. I hate that McCoy plays not to lose instead of playing to win. I am also starting to feel it may be time to look at getting a more mobile QB. I love Rivers but he just folds under pressure. At least the defense is getting healthy. This had to be the worst game to watch all year in the entire NFL.
  4. OK, the procedure went smoothly on Friday. I had a follow up appointment with my eye doctor on Saturday morning and my vision is already 20/20. I can't believe how cool it is. The only thing that sucks is all the drops I have to put in my eyes but that is temporary.
  5. Thanks. I have been told that I may not need them but buy a cheap pair just to have on hand. I have been wearing glasses since college (20+ years) and I am done with them. Everybody I know that has had LASIk have nothing but good things to say about it. I have two colleagues that had the surgery at the place I am going to and they gave glowing reviews. It is not cheap but it will be worth it. I just hope I will be normal enough by Sunday to watch football.
  6. No but I would rather be far sighted with the reading glasses if need be. Also, the cost covers lifetime adjustments if needed.
  7. I am having LASIK tomorrow at 1PM. I have been told that I will need reading glasses for things close but I am ok with that. I can't wait to get rid of my glasses and I want to be able to see far.
  8. I need to get that glass. Tony Gwynn is my favorite all time player and I would love to tip a few to honor him.
  9. OK, I just watched the last episode and it freaked me out to see Brodie but I figured she was hallucinating.
  10. It was on here and they switched the broadcast to the Jets/KC game. Nobody showed up in Miami.
  11. I think the Chargers squeak past the Dolphins before the bye week. They really need the bye week.
  12. I totally agree. Hockey is the best sport in person IMHO.
  13. The best part of this is that it is on a Volvo.
  14. Denver fans are insane. I go to one game a year and I always question why I go after the game is over. I would prefer to stay home and watch the Red Zone.
  15. I just notice that Pueblo is spelled wrong in the meme.
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