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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. We've had similar discussions along these general lines before on here. Everyone's experience is different. I'm not a big rah-rah, yell, scream, jump-up-and-down kind of guy when I'm at games. Others are. I'm okay with that. I enjoy going to games and am not less passionate about my fanship, simply because I express it differently from others. I guess I've just never understood why people care how other fans (or attendees, if you don't consider them "fans") act at games.
  2. Ugh. Ryan Bolden...Did the Angels finally get rid of him this off-season, or is he going to get a 5th chance to stink up rookie ball this year?
  3. Calm down, Tyler. Get the double play. Seems like he's lost his focus this inning.
  4. Ha...no reason. He's not a free agent until 2019.
  5. .553 batting average, and a slugging percentage that's only 167 points higher? Kid needs to muscle up, clearly.
  6. They're both supposed to be out 6-8 weeks. It's only been a couple.
  7. I just bought tickets for me and my best friend to attend. He's a Yanks fan (was actually a batboy for them when he was a kid). It's an early birthday present from me to him. I rarely make it to midweek games due to my work schedule and how long it takes to get to Anaheim from LA, but figured this one was worth the effort for my friend.
  8. Yep. Crazy. Those are video game numbers.
  9. Whoa. Didn't even realize the game started, sat back down at my computer, and it's already 3-0. Nice.
  10. Not even close! Other than the one of him falling down running to first, what else is there? I guess the one from just a couple of games ago.
  11. What's great about them is that they're not minor miscues, either. Each one really is like something out of a Keystone Kops movie.
  12. Alden Gonzalez ‏@Alden_Gonzalez Uh-oh. Tarp coming on the field at Nats Park.
  13. Ibanez in LF. Hope Trout is well-rested and ready to cover some ground today.
  14. Moral responsibility? Wow. Come down off of the high-horse, please. We're talking about sports here. I think you're giving it TOO MUCH weight.
  15. Exactly. And just b/c I don't cheer every move or think that everything is hunky-dory, that doesn't make me less of a fan.
  16. He absolutely does. But it's easier for some people to continue to play up the "East coast bias" myth, since it makes it easier to play the victim when things go wrong.
  17. He stole 22 bases and was caught 9 times. That's not good. Generally speaking, unless you're stealing bases at a 75% or higher rate, you're actually hurting your team in terms of expected runs.
  18. He's more like a modest-sized piece of poop. At least a gigantic piece would be somewhat noteworthy.
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