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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. Nice fight-back inning there, boys...
  2. I wonder if something is bothering him physically? As the announcers said, that visit to the mound on a 1-2 count was bizarre, and his mechanics are just all over the place today.
  3. Ok, maybe not, if Jeppy is coming in.
  4. Am I missing something? Didn't Cron's foot hit Beltre, which caused him to readjust his foot? Gubi keeps asking, "Why did Beltre step on the base again?"
  5. The Angels need to start warming up someone.
  6. How many times have we already heard "just past Cron" today?
  7. Ball is carrying today. Could be a slugfest.
  8. Hey, Ibanez made a catch! When that was first hit, my initial thought was, "Here comes another GIF-worthy play from Raul."
  9. I was supposed to go to the game today, but woke up feeling sick, so I bailed. Thus far, looking like I made the right call.
  10. 7 out of 14. Edit: For comparison's sake, Salas has allowed all 6 inherited runners to score. Maronde is 5 out of 10. Kohn is zero out of 6.
  11. 13 years in the organization, folks. 13 years!
  12. Nice start, Richards. Cut down on the BBs, dude.
  13. Any word yet on why Pujols was switched to DH after the initial lineup was announced?
  14. Could be. And Green *is* playing today.
  15. Not trying to be a downer, but early season run differentials can be a little misleading. The Angels have won 4 blowouts by a total of 42 runs.
  16. There continues to be an odd perception around here that Stewart was ever hot in the first place. He had 2 good games. That's it.
  17. Whew. Still have the lead after all that. We'll still win.
  18. Yeah, I was just about to ask about that. Haven't been able to watch much of the game, but just turned it on to see that it's only in the top of the 7th at almost 10. What's going on?
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