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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. I don't think the Angels have non-cable games anymore, do they? I know they ran a few on "My13" or whatever a couple of years ago, but I thought that went away?
  2. Well, the music thing didn't really work out for him, so other than the cat, he needs to do something to pass the time...
  3. And by "no lock," they mean he's starting in week one, obviously.
  4. Didn't he lose a bunch of weight last off-season, or maybe the one before?
  5. You might also be getting the guy who was pretty terrible for a few years before that 2nd half of 2013.
  6. ? Adenhart died a year before the Angels drafted Calhoun.
  7. Well, that certainly doesn't sound very pleasant for the Miracle League and RBI Foundation!
  8. Look at successful sports movies, and see if you can find a single one with a central character like Mulder.
  9. Not really. It's not like the Jim Morris story. Mulder had a fairly long career with some success, then became an ESPN analyst before his comeback. Hard for the average person to relate to that or find inspiration in it.
  10. Yep. He's 23. Move him up to challenge him and see what he can do against other people his age.
  11. Trade them Blanton for a couple of batting practice balls.
  12. cool. Maybe he'll still be here 37 years from now, like it seems like Jepsen has been.
  13. Nice. "While he's young enough to hope for a rebound, it's certainly troubling that his average fastball velocity dropped from 90.7 mph in 2012 all the way to 87.8 mph in 2013."
  14. Yep. Getting to the point at which you won't even be able to give them all a fair shake in real games.
  15. Oh, god. I had pretty much forgotten about Belcher. Thanks for bringing him up and ruining my day.
  16. Though to be fair, that 10 HR season was an injured-plagued one. Bonds had hit as many as 39 HR in a season before (and hit for 30+ six times over his entire career)--so 37 in 1977 wasn't really that big of a surprise.
  17. Somewhat small sample sizes once you move past games at catcher, but he's actually hit better as a C than as a 1B: http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/split.cgi?id=napolmi01&year=Career&t=b#defp (He's "best" at DH, but has only started 56 games there in his career...)
  18. At least he didn't mention Albert Pujols...
  19. Not being contrary for the hell of it. Just trying to understand why people think this is so horrible. It's a tiny fraction of the tickets.
  20. What's the big deal here? No one who has already paid or was already a season ticket holder is being asked to pay these prices. They're newly released seats. If people want to pay this price, let them. "In a typical year, Siegel said, the Dodgers can sell 3,000 to 5,000 seats based on fans declining to renew season tickets. With a renewal rate exceeding 98% this year, he said, the Dodgers could not accommodate fans wishing to add season seats or upgrade from a partial-season package. If all those fans were accommodated at the original prices, he said, the Dodgers would not have enough ticket inventory for individual and group sales."
  21. Here's another good list if you're just looking at a pop in HR totals: http://joeposnanski.com/joeblogs/32-flukiest-home-run-seasons/
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