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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Brilliant move when Trump brought Clinton's accusers to the debate. Now Obama just needs to find the Russian hookers and bring them to the inauguration.
  2. Having been a government contractor for the last five years, my biggest problem with the wall is it will be a money pit. It will be done very shitty and the government's solution will be to just throw more money at it to fix issues. I've seen this first hand as we all have with the government. Second problem with it is it might not be a realistic project. Not saying it can't be done but our southern border shouldn't be looked at in the scale of what a map or a globe shows. Our border is what, 2,000 miles long? And a wall is a wall but you still need someone to guard it, right? Who? Military might work but now you have to house these people and potentially their families and some of these areas are remote as hell. I guess we'll see.
  3. I am not ashamed to admit that I took the time to look for the difference between the two.
  4. I think Jesus would have unfortunately been identified as the 20th hijacker.
  5. I thought your schlong would have shrunk when you discovered you were related to Mohammed Atta. Sounds like you won out.
  6. Through their "victimization" we gain our entertainment. To them I say thank you and continue on with your martyrdom.
  7. Good God. Could you imagine if the average American saw calscuf post history? They'd probably elect him for president.
  8. I thought I noticed Carrie's foul stench when I entered this thread.
  9. I see Sosh checks his Facebook feed before talking to the media.
  10. Oh, well if you put it that way. I feel much better.
  11. Had this one for a while and another one I'll try and find. This was my grandfather after a mission to Vietnam in his P-38. My dad told me he was so exhausted and just wanted to go to bed (I think my dad told me he had been flying for 10 or 12 hours but I might be misremembering how long it really was) but had to go through his mission debrief first.
  12. http://www.sltrib.com/news/4739485-155/slcpd-on-hunt-for-bogus-jesus I'll be honest, I just liked the headline.
  13. So that's what a weightless treadmill looks like.
  14. What kid of sicko gets off watching the Chargers play? Besides Glen of course.
  15. In 2012 there were petitions to secede. That's some butt hurt of epic proportions only matched by......2016 calls for secession. So in the words of some brilliant AW philosophers.... Both sides do it!!!
  16. And another reason why AO's opinion about winter weather is flawed.
  17. So that was the bloodstain on Glen's mattress Adam was talking about. Mystery solved. For a moment I thought it was from the dead body Glen "found."
  18. If it's the head I think you're talking about, Putin is one sick/bad ass motherf**ker.
  19. I don't know if he will. Doesn't look like a utility middle IF on the 1947 St. Louis Browns that batted .350 at Long State Community College.
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