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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. When you surround yourself with Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, I guess “drain the swamp” rings a bit hallow. But I guess Branco and Redondo can’t compute that.
  2. The real tragedy was he was never able to find the real killers before he died. Such a shame.
  3. Trump and Biden and both signed off on massive budget deficits. Our last surplus was in 1999 and 2000. Since then we have had two Republicans and Democrat presidents. Both parties have controlled the House, Senate and the White House at some point in the last twenty four years and each year has had a deficit to add to the overall debt. I really just don't see a difference anymore.
  4. Still one of the best articles on his last game and passing. https://www.espn.com/mlb/news/story?id=4075761
  5. I was going to go with black on black crime but I’m leaning towards your theory.
  6. I’m assuming she enjoyed your uncircumcised dick though? If so, you should have called her out on her hypocrisy.
  7. Whatever it was, they didn’t see it as Kosher.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-dismiss-two-officers-after-finding-mistakes-strike-aid-workers-2024-04-05/ “As the cars departed the hangar, one of the men getting into the vehicles had been carrying a bag which the operators watching drone footage took to be a rifle.” Remember when our last four presidents droned wedding parties and laborers working in fields? Looks like Israel was taking notes.
  9. How do you feel about him defrauding people with Trump University? About stealing from his own charity? Was he a victim? Or was he guilty?
  10. I’m not an expert in this field. I figured I would post the report from February 2020 March 2024 and one can decide if we’ve gotten worse, better or stayed the same. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_03062020.pdf https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf
  11. I’m disappointed the story didn’t include them coming to him with tears in their eyes and calling him “sir.” Missed opportunity if I say so myself.
  12. And National Cheddar Fries day. I hope Branco has his crayons ready to go.
  13. I’m not disagreeing with you. But he’s determined to interject himself where he doesn’t belong. So either he suffers from cognitive dissonance about his conservative philosophy of government staying in its own lane or he’s aware of the hypocrisy but doesn’t care because of control. That’s a politician I guess.
  14. Somebody should notify Ron then. But maybe it’s really just about control.
  15. Does Larry play the part of the “servant?” I know he isn’t black but the confederates can’t take any chances.
  16. Possible. I'll go with this though.
  17. This reminds me of when Putin scored eight goals in a game. I don't know how he did so well facing such elite defense and goaltending. I guess fear was just a motivating factor.
  18. If he holds the Bible right side up, all is forgiven.
  19. Has Trump’s side encouraged him to be more Christ like? Or is him promoting it good enough and they call it a day?
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