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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Ukrainians and Russians weren’t shooting at each other in the Donbas region? We weren’t giving them javelins and other weapons to defend themselves against Russia and separatists? Sure seems to me that’s a conflict or a war in more specific terms. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Ukrainian_War
  2. It’s pointed out that Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 and other parts of Ukraine while Obama was in office and expanded the conflict in 2022 with Biden as president. It’s also pointed out they didn’t do anything while Trump was in office. That’s a fact and I’m not disputing that. But in my opinion, the narrative is also spun. 2022 wasn’t the start of the war conflict. 2014 was and now it’s a decade old. Which means it’s now spanned three administrations. Three different administrations have sent over military and financial aid over the last ten years with Biden sending the most. From 2017 to 2021 the conflict was ongoing. They didn’t invade further into Ukraine but they also didn’t withdraw from its occupied territories either. They claimed it as their own and gave the finger to everyone else. Trump claimed he could bring peace in 24 hours but why wasn’t he able to do it for four years? He sent them equipment to fight Russia instead of bringing peace between the two countries? No one forced Trump to say he could end the conflict in 24 hours, he said that on his own and that would be great if he could (although I wonder what Ukraine would give up). But since he’s so confident he could bring peace now, maybe he should have done it sometime between 2017 and 2021. You and I agree that it’s not our war and I feel we’ve done all we can for Ukraine (I would cut Israel off as well).
  3. Crimea was still occupied by Russia from 2017 to 2021. So why didn’t Trump get Russia to leave completely? Why didn’t his policies get Russia out or stop the conflict? Let’s not forget we were still sending weapons over to them during his term.
  4. Always fun to read the comments. I see ones that sacrificed $5 to troll are there too. Just remember what Amy Grote’s $20 dollar donation message to us is. “Trump2024! I pray everyday that DJT is covered in the Blood of Jesus. We need a move of God in this world. Jesus, help this man, and our world…..”
  5. Trump was the real victim with Trump University and having to cough up $25 million. Trump didn’t want to steal from his charity for veterans but he just had to. He couldn’t help himself. Or Maybe Trump is just a con artist that commits fraud. I’m not sure why some of you just can’t accept him for who he is and admit it.
  6. I think at this point, Trump will be desperate enough to sell Ivanka to pay off some of these fines.
  7. Got it. I read up on it a little more. They could always assign a new DA but that would probably delay any trial for quite awhile. If it went that way, the big question will be does the new DA drop the charges. I guess that’s where the case is really in danger. I agree that @calscould help answer it but since he’s in AW purgatory, we still have @wopphil
  8. I’m assuming the case continues on even if she’s removed, as she should be, correct? I know they had three already plead guilty and the grand jury voted to indict based off the evidence. Or is the entire case in danger?
  9. Just remember, Lara Trump won't back down.
  10. Apparently she wasn't trans and identified as a female although reports using a male alias have surfaced that might be tied to petty crimes. https://apnews.com/article/church-shooting-joel-osteen-texas-d3c7011f83c57206dc2348cc33035c97
  11. Audio from the cousins phone call.
  12. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/2/10/body-of-6-year-old-killed-in-deliberate-israeli-fire-found-after-12-days Allegedly took out the paramedics as well.
  13. There could be many causes to this conflict but a big one happened to be the Ukrainian parliament wanting to open trade with the EU and Russia pressuring their president not to do it. He doesn’t want Ukraine to be a satellite state to the west. That’s fine but we know he wants them to be a satellite to Russia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_of_Dignity Also Putin in this interview said Poland was being uncooperative with Hitler so that’s why he had to invade. I had no idea Hitler was the true victim on September 1st, 1939. Convenient since the Soviet Union helped carve up Poland with Germany.
  14. Trump has his own cognitive issues. I'm surprised he hasn't blamed E Jean Carroll for lack of security at the Capitol. Whatever though. Trump vs. Biden is at least entertaining.
  15. When KC proselytizes to us, it reminds me of how Chad Curtis used to do the same thing to his teammates. So I don’t feel bad ignoring the Chad Curtis of AW about his religious beliefs.
  16. Absolutely not. They finally figured out their Prophets up until 1978 just had a bad connection when talking with God. The message just got garbled. Or God realized he needed the tax exempt status so he changed his mind. So to answer your question, maybe?
  17. https://apnews.com/article/trump-capitol-riot-presidential-immunity-appeal-46c2d7fc7807cd3262764d35e47f390e
  18. The issue here is back in a November, some Republicans said aid to Ukraine had to be tied to border security. https://apnews.com/article/immigration-border-crossings-asylum-ukraine-aid-biden-dba31c3f461e1fa940f9cf00988444f7 You have those calling for stand alone bills. Some don’t want to support Ukraine and only aid Israel while others want both. Some say the bill has the changes asked for while others feel it’s too weak. MTG is threatening to boot the speaker he tries to pass it. Progressives feel asylum isn’t being protected. Seems like everything is more of cluster fuck than usual.
  19. Pretty much any dumpster fire in the world would remind one of the bull pen trying to prevent an inherited runner from scoring. Or even better, the front office making decisions during the 2023 trade deadline.
  20. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4449839-acting-cbp-chief-border-patrol-union-back-senate-border-deal/amp/ “Union President Brandon Judd is a noted critic of President Biden and his administration’s handling of border policy. Last week, he said at a House subcommittee hearing that Biden has “destabilized our southwest border.”
  21. Do you mean no BP around at all or just the BP that is there but isn’t enforcing? Because if it’s the former, at the 1:26 mark of your video, there’s an armed BP agent there watching them. Rico’s video back on page 41 (if it’s legit) shows allegedly the same thing. If it’s latter, I agree it’s pathetic that they are breaching the barrier and they are just watching it happen. Having said that, I’ve never been a huge fan of the wall just because of this fact. And unless we hire more BP, hard to guard every part of the wall.
  22. More videos showing people going over, under, or through barriers on the southern border. I think Bannon had the right idea to just steal the money raised for a wall instead.
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