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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Maybe they can build a mosque on the site of the old mall. Or what some call, a rec center.
  2. I remember my dad telling me about this when I was growing up. He felt that if this didn't happen, there was a good chance that the Angels would have advanced to a world series and possibly won one.
  3. Lofton actually was the tying run. I did hold my breath when he hit it though because it looked like it had a chance to be a homerun right off the bat.
  4. I think I remember Danny mentioning how it was difficult to become attached to players on the A's when you were constantly seeing a rotating door with players coming and going. Players that Beane had picked and worked out well. He was probably more confused and dumbfounded than seething at the teeth with Beane.
  5. Still feel justified about defending him during the case. If this proves true though, what an idiot.
  6. I might be ignorant and I'll have to do some research but when you say "we drew the lines", do you mean the U.S. drew the lines or the West? Wasn't aware we were too heavily involved in the middle east in the 19th century.
  7. Many of the people here ask the same thing about you.
  8. I like how you call other people sheep and that us idiots will believe anything. Seems you fall into this category yourself. I'm sure you knew that already since you're so smart.
  9. But will lefty4life ever convince you his views are right when it comes to the Jews?
  10. Fox news just showed a video of our "friends", the rebels, executing a group of government soldiers. They appeared to be naked and were crouched on the ground with their hands tied behind their back. The rebels were reading something before fox news blacked the screen out but allowed the sound of gunfire to be heard. If authentic, it just goes to show these people are not to be supported by the U.S. and we need to stay out of it.
  11. It's quite sad us simpletons can figure that out but our leaders can't grasp that concept.
  12. Al Qaeda has to be hoping for this. It's basically a trap. Help us get rid of this guy and we'll repay you by laying down a whole shit load of IEDS.
  13. Meh Afghanistan I'm ok with, especially in the beginning. Military action was needed since the Taliban wouldn't have over Osama. It was providing a base of operations for future terrorist attacks and training new jihadists (monkey bars and all) at their camps. Having said that, it's time to get out of there. We've done the best we could. Leave with a warning about letting their country become a breeding ground for terrorism against the U.S. or face the consequences.
  14. Sorry you feel that way Scott. Nothing disrespectful was said here. If you don't like the fact some of us are old enough to remember history (very recent history) and therefore very concerned about what's going on, probably isn't the best thread for you.
  15. I'll throw in Somalia. However that's a good example of how quickly things can go bad. Again, is it worth it?
  16. Meh. With all the money we give away in foreign aid, I'm ok with taking some oil.
  17. Don't tell the democrats. They think it's only under Bush. This partisan game is getting old.
  18. I love the logic that says PB sucks so much but he should be able to fetch us a good pitching prospect.
  19. Scott good for you if you do enlist. I definitely would support you. I come from a military family and always felt some shame for not following in their footsteps.
  20. If they don't want to live under tyranny and oppression, good for them to fight back. I can support that from a moral stand point. However, this country has some serious issues that need to be addressed. It's time to focus on ourselves. Sorry syria, do what you can or go knock on someone else's door. Iraq and Syria. Both had and have brutal dictators. Chemical warfare is a topic for both but it's pretty uncertain if they exist or who is using them therefore the intelligence isn't rock solid. The presence of al qaeda connections (although I truly believe they do, which side are they on?) Afghanistan should be our focus. Not Iraq or Syria. Not another war in another country (while I have always supported this war, it's grown stale and is not winnable and we must focus on finishing that up.) Also throwing some missiles or sending troops in to fight without authorization of congress is against the constitution. If we actually get involved, I'll show the similarities between the two when it comes to money and lives.
  21. Didn't lose shit man. Sorry if you see it that way. You're getting caught up in something that is eerily reminiscent of something that happened ten years ago. When you were how old? That's not supposed to be an insult. Just a fact. I really don't care what a fair fight is. It's their war. The U.S. has done some real sketchy stuff but we've also been very charitable at the cost of the taxpayer. For once I think we should be selfish and let the world solve their own problems. The Iraq war is not clouding our judgement. It's doing what history should always do for us. Teach us and help us learn from past mistakes.
  22. Scott you're an ignorant high school kid. I really don't mean that to be mean. I truly don't. In 2003 I was turning 18 and the Iraq war was about to start. I supported it (although I toyed with the idea of joininig the military, i didn't) and couldn't fathom why people would be against it. The "evidence" was all right there that a war was needed. You have to remember this was less than two years after 9/11 and I got caught up in it. From March of 2002 to March of 2003 all you heard was wmds this and wmds that. Well looks like I was wrong. I got caught up in the rush to war without thinking about the long term consequences to those that would be involved. Especially a war that was based on lies. A war that has been economically damaging to us. A war that has physically and emotionally destroyed people on both sides and brought heartache to families. I can recognize some good things that came from that war but one must ask, was it worth it in the end? You can make your snide remark about my knowledge being vast but I really question yours. If we are really needed in Syria and their war is an immediate threat to us, I'll support it. But it'll take some convincing and real evidence. Don't be so eager to rush into war Scott. Boots on the ground or not. Oh and what is the average Libyan or Syrian supposed to do? Fight their own goddamn war.
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