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  1. Like
    Jim reacted to Blarg in Trumped   
    This is what confuses me, how Trump can save 1,000 jobs for a $700K tax break but the liberals bitch and moan without ever addressing what the economic impact 1,000 jobless Americans would cost society.
    Meanwhile Obama burned enough cash to cause a carbon tax, floating a half billion dollars into Solyndra that went belly up, dropping billions into the auto industry and not a damn thing has changed in their production of gas eaters, in fact they are producing more high performance gas guzzlers than ever before, then gives his college buddy the ACA contract that was doled out to a Canadian company that they had to fire for incompetence and cost overages, meanwhile his secretary of state is running a Pay to Play scheme with her foundation but... but... but... Trump.
    Always the liberals bad guy even though he is getting stuff done while on what should be his last vacation before taking over for the the Fundraiser in Chief. If only the actual sitting President wasn't sitting on his ass all the time and getting jobbed every time he makes a decision, this country might have been in good enough shape that such a terrible candidate like Trump couldn't have gotten through the primaries.
    Thank you Obama for your generous donation to the MAGA campaign.
  2. Like
    Jim reacted to Tank in Trumped   
    hi glen!

  3. Like
    Jim reacted to Amazing Larry in Trumped   
    Oh and end NAFTA.
  4. Like
    Jim reacted to Amazing Larry in Trumped   
    Where's Red? (asking for a friend)
  5. Like
    Jim reacted to Adam in Trumped   
    Bullshit. Rally is a piece of crap. Let him have it MAGA!
  6. Like
    Jim got a reaction from BaseballMom in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    C'mon dude. It's that kind of crap that probably lands you on ignore lists. 
  7. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    C'mon dude. It's that kind of crap that probably lands you on ignore lists. 
  8. Like
    Jim reacted to Lou in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    cez thinks you're wantonly stupid 
  9. Like
    Jim reacted to ten ocho recon scout in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    My hope is that this is his feet wetting before he runs for president. thats way cooler than bill clintons saxaphone.

  10. Like
    Jim reacted to ten ocho recon scout in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    Was gonna make a thread about this.
    Mattis was the honcho when i was in, early days of afghanistan/iraq. callsign was "Chaos". had a well deserved rep, everyone loved him. he was a Marine above all else, and a grunt. He was known for being up front with the troops, not rear with the gear.
    "Be polite. be professional. but have a plan to kill everyone you meet."
    "I came here in peace. i didnt bring artillary. but im begging you, with tears in my eyes, if you fuck with me ill kill you all." that was him to the iraqi army towards the end of the invasion.
    "Im going to plead with you. dont cross us. because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for the next 10,000 years." reference fallujah.
  11. Like
    Jim reacted to Blarg in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    He just did so your statement is wantonly stupid. 1,000 or so Carrier employees get to spend Christmas not worrying out their immediate future. 
    That is Trump 1,000
    Your statement 0
    You need to wait a little while before projecting a big comeback for the status quo government you wanted to elect.
  12. Like
    Jim reacted to Jay in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    wantonly stupid...? Keep telling yourself how smart you are, it's funny.
    Not sure what a "dent" is to you but it's making a huge difference to those Carrier workers.
  13. Like
    Jim reacted to red321 in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    No. Term limits are bullshit. Folks re-elect their incumbents at a 90% clip. If they really wanted to limit terms, they could vote out their incumbent...they don't. Term limits are about telling other people who they can and can't vote for (and it should be noted...I have never, ever, voted for a house candidate that was won...my district has always been Republican since the first time I could vote).
    Term limits also give lobbyists and bureaucrats an incredible amount of power. Elected officials change, but unelected people stay in place.Term limits also ensure elected officials have a short term focus, and decisions are made for the now, and not necessarily the long term.
    This isn't to imply having people in office for decades is good, but term limits don't make elected officials more accountable.
    My belief is if you want to "drain the swamp" you have to focus on campaign finance reform.
  14. Like
    Jim reacted to Tank in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    you've obviously never been Christmas shopping with my wife.
  15. Like
    Jim reacted to Thomas in Trumped   
    There is no need to bring the Indianapolis Colts into this discussion. 
  16. Like
    Jim reacted to Blarg in Trumped   
    Trump saves 1,000 jobs and didn't have to spend a billion in tax dollars to do it. And he is not even the President yet, while Obama is sitting on his ass willing to watch Carrier shut out workers and not lift a finger.
    Spin it Red.
  17. Like
    Jim reacted to Tank in Trumped   
    when bush 41 was POTUS, there seemed to be a rash of flag burnings for various reasons, and the whole question of how people and law enforcement should respond became a national issue. comedian chris rock said that instead of banning flag burning we should simply make all flags out of fireproof materials. he didn't think 'flag warming' as he called it would ever be a big deal.
    as others have said, i'm not a fan of people burning the flag, and would probably be a lot more offended by it if i had served in the military, but i understand why people do it. honestly, i'm a lot more insulted by people in our country who walk on the flag or wipe their feet on it.
  18. Like
    Jim reacted to gotbeer in Trumped   
    In California. 
    If you burn the US flag, you are excercising your freedom of speech, and probably looked at distastfully.
    If you burn the Mexican flag, you are a racist, probably be charged with disturbing the peace and/or civil rights violations, and probably will get a beatdown and/or killed.
  19. Like
    Jim reacted to mtangelsfan in Trumped   
    That is scary thinking.  A citizen is a citizen and therefore afforded all the rights the Constitution guarantees.
  20. Like
    Jim reacted to Spirit in Trumped   
    It's going to be a wildly entertaining 4 years.

  21. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Ordos in AngelsWin.com Screen Name Changes (Roll-Call)   
    I thought he was a meteorologist, specializing in cloud formations. 
  22. Like
    Jim reacted to Lou in The unofficial "Trump's cabinet" thread   
    why would anyone care what people have to say about an award that has been given to the likes of Kofi Annan, Kissinger and Le Duc Tho, Arafat and Rabin, Al Gore and Barack Obama and not Mahatma Gandhi or Irena Sendler? 
  23. Like
    Jim reacted to Jason in Trumped   
    Obama makes it sound like a bad thing and Trump makes it sound like a good thing. Trump wrote his and Obama had one of his staffers do his. By some of the pics of people in Miami celebrating in the streets I bet they liked Trump's tweet better.
  24. Like
    Jim reacted to tdawg87 in Trumped   
    One way panders to the safe-space needing babies, the other says what we're all thinking.
  25. Like
    Jim reacted to ten ocho recon scout in Trumped   
    I can tell you that the number of potential bad guys (as in people who have been identified as at minimum researching attacks and have had contact with bad guys overseas) is far greater than rhe number of feds they have to sureil them...we had some homeland security guys come out and give us a brief earlier this year on it, and they had some grim stats.
    I imagine most of the guys theyre watching will eventually get lazy and give up their plans, but if even 1 or 2 with thhem go forward....
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