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Posts posted by happybat4

  1. 7 hours ago, Angelsjunky said:

    Schmidt is the greatest third baseman of all time. I'd probably rank Mathews and Boggs ahead of him, Brooks Robinson too. I think it is a toss-up with Brett and Chipper Jones.

    Schmidt for sure. Matthews was certainly better. 

    Boggs and Beltre had similar value, with Beltre being higher. Boggs walked more and has a clear lead in OBP. Beltre had far more power though, he hit 350 more home runs than Boggs and has a clear lead in slugging. Boggs has the advantage on offense, but Beltre is far superior defensively and and on the base oaths.

    I guess Chipper, Robinson, and Brett were better if you don't care about defense.

  2. 3 hours ago, W.E. Baxter Author said:

    Ortiz did test positive for PED's one year, granted (2003). That tells me that the rest of the time he was setting records under his own power and  devices. LaDanian Tomlinson of the Chargers Football Team once bought Color T.V. Sets for several Fire Victims in Southern California, and nobody told him to perform that philanthropic act, he did that entirely on his own as he was a philanthropist, and a good Man on and off the field. Big Papi did stuff like that too, and was quite the philanthropist as well--a good Christian man on and off the field. Despite the one year he tested positive, I could understand why he would be given a pass. Bonds and Clemens  were continually doping up and hulking out on PED's, and then continually lying through their teeth about it. Jose Canseco has been tweeting about Ortiz and protesting his being enshrined. He has had a burr under his saddle because he wasn't enshrined, but voted off the ballot the first year. Canseco was out of line, because he, like Bonds and Clemens were "Perpetual Cheaters," Ortiz was not. David "Big Papi" Ortiz belongs in the Hall of Fame.

    Bonds, Clemens, Sheffield never tested positive either.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

    Yes he is on a HOF track.  If we are going to talk about WAR, he already passed Harold Baines who had exactly ONE season with a WAR over 3.

    So if Harper can just stay on the field without being a negative WAR player, he is basically a shoo-in.


    Harper will probably finish around 70 WAR which is way better than Baines.

  4. 54 minutes ago, arch stanton said:

    Was it a contract year? I bet it was a contract year followed by a year he spent a lot of time on the DL

    It was his contract year. He signed a 2 year contract with the Dodgers afterwards and put up 3.2 and 4 WAR the next 2 seasons.

  5. 10 hours ago, WicketMaiden said:

    Harper only seems to be underachieving because of the early career comparisons to Trout, which is a pretty harsh standard to hold Harper to as Trout is heading for the inner circle of the Hall of Fame. Harper has four seasons of 150 WRC or better; six at 135 and above; six seasons above 4 fWAR; two seasons above 6 fWAR; 2 MVPs; 267 Homers and gained 6.6 fWAR last year in just his age 28 season. The guy is a star by any measure not called Trout.

    Your right. Harper is definitely on a HOF track. He already has 40 WAR and should pass Drew next year. Drew did have an 8 war season.

  6. 9 hours ago, Don said:

    I think there's a lot more to the Drew narrative than that. He was such a hyped prospect that when he didn't turn out to be an absolute mega star it was viewed as a bit of a disappointment. But the early career hype was so much that he got a ton of media attention throughout his career. Couple that with everyone promoting the idea that he didn't reach that mega star potential because he wasn't tough/didn't really care enough, and I think his name just strikes a lot of people negatively. Hence everyone saying he was overrated. Nah, dude was a really good major league player, just not what he was made out to be as a youngster.

    Sounds like Bryce Harper.

  7. On 1/20/2022 at 10:42 AM, tdawg87 said:

    Mike Cameron.

    50.6 fWAR. 

    He's nowhere near a HOF'er. But the dude had a pretty good career. 


    That's a good one. Impressive WAR for someone who was never a "star". He played in some pitcher friendly parks from what I remember.

  8. 7 hours ago, Chuckster70 said:

    I disagree. Great glove, good clutch hitter. I still believe that the collapse of the 1995 Angels was due to the Disar injury that season. 

    You're not going to convince me otherwise. 

    Besides his defensive versatility his game mirrored David Fletcher's, another current day underrated player in the big leagues. Though he did have a down year in 2021. 

    Fletcher is a better hitter and defender. Disarcina averaged less than a single WAR a year for 12 years. Fletcher has almost matched Disarcina's career war in 4 seasons.

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