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Everything posted by Caralho

  1. It looked like the fix was in for Canelo but Mayweather schooled him so bad that not even boxing judges could screw it up. I left the bar before the scores were announced and were shocked how close it was. Mayweather may be an ass and hand picks easy fights but he's a legend, so hard to get any good shots on him.
  2. Russia wants to keep their port in Syria, they know that if America bombs and turns the tide of the war to the rebels that they could lose that very valuable piece of real estate. I don't know how sincere they are in this effort but hey whatever works.
  3. Except without a farm system, it's highly unlikely that the Angels would have obtained a decent arm.
  4. Blanton and Hanson are barely major leaguers this year and it's likely that they hardly pitch at all in MLB next year. Hanson has a bum shoulder and Blanton has home run itis, this is about as good as it's going to get for them.
  5. My post said most players. Even if Hamilton and Pujols were playing well, that's what 5 more wins at most? The bullpen needs 3-4 new pitchers and the Angels need two starters in the offseason. I hope this hot streak doesn't fool the team into thinking everything is ok because there is still a lot of work to be done.
  6. That was the problem, most of these guys are playing to what they are capable of. They simply aren't that good.
  7. Move to the Santa Fe Springs swap meet, I can get there by streets as it's only 5 miles away and it's in LA County. Of course that area would have even less to do around it compared to the current stadium.
  8. That red line comment is pretty silly though Obama is referring to the fact that chemical weapons have banned since 1925. This will pass the Senate, the House is our only hope and that scares the crap out of me.
  9. Considering the next Senate election is in 2016 that's not such a good idea. It's also likely that at least one of those two are on their last terms because they're old.
  10. I would really like the Supreme Court to make some sort of determination on war powers because I am really tired of the executive and legislators fighting about who can do what but Congress would have to sue and they are too cowardly to do that. You would think it would have happened already but maybe Congress thinks it will lose which would really be the only explanation.
  11. Congress is supposed to be in recess until the 9th, they should be flying back to Washington right now.
  12. Oh and those countries egging the US on without putting their asses on the line can go fellate themselves. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324324404579045300639945302.html?mod=rss_mobile_uber_feed
  13. Obama is going to make another speech at 10:15. I am pretty tired of the saber rattling.
  14. Mattingly has to learn how to lie better.
  15. Here is another decent link with the first person making a good point about the minorities in Syria. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/114481/liberals-advice-obama-syria
  16. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-27/rebels-without-a-leader-show-limit-to-u-s-role-in-syria-war.html http://www.lemonde.fr/proche-orient/article/2013/05/27/chemical-war-in-syria_3417708_3218.html http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/08/28/20232943-what-happens-after-a-strike-on-syria-it-depends-on-how-far-the-us-goes?lite?ocid=twitter http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/08/how-an-insular-beltway-elite-makes-wars-of-choice-more-likely/279116/ There is a lot of problems with a strike on Syria. First is whether Assad's troops actually committed the chemical weapons attack this time and in previous months. It wouldn't shock me if it was directly ordered but it is a possibility that some mid level general or lower decided to launch a chemical attack. I think it's more remote that rebels would do a false flag attack but it's possible, I can't deny that. Second is that strikes probably wouldn't change much. Lobbing a bunch of Tomahawks will destroy some material and could demoralize some of Assad's troops but it could just embolden them to fight even more viciously. A more robust operation with bombers would hurt Assad more but that entails a lot of risk because the strongest part of Assad's military is air defense, they have very sophisticated Russian built air defense systems so that could result in planes being shot down and airmen killed. The rebels are fractured politically and a decent percentage, which just happens to be the best fighters, are assorted nasty Islamist groups. Syria is also much more densely populated compared to Libya where it was relatively easy to bomb targets without killing civilians. Of course Gaddafi had very few friends while Assad is backed by Iran, Russia and Hezbollah. I doubt Syria would directly attack Israel in retaliation but Hezbollah is a different story. I detest Assad but another Operation Desert Fox doesn't seem to me to be a good solution here. It's just a really sad situation but I don't think an intervention is going to do much unless you have many of those Arab countries fully buy in and make efforts to push the Islamist rebels to the sidelines while pounding Assad. I doubt that happens so I hope Obama doesn't strike.
  17. The same bylaw used to suspend Manziel was also used as a threat against Andrew Luck when a cafe named a sandwich after him. NCAA is silly.
  18. NCAA said he didn't accept money and he still gets suspended. So instead of playing the first half and sitting out the second, it's going to be the opposite.
  19. Not as bad as sexual harassment but..... http://www.voiceofoc.org/politics/article_8dbf205c-0ba5-11e3-8c76-0019bb2963f4.html
  20. Paul denied this report when he got interviewed by Al Jazeera's Michael Eaves. Are their urine HGH tests now?
  21. Eric Kay just posted this on Twitter. Jepsen is getting an appendectomy.
  22. GB you assume Vargas will want to stay here after this craptastic year. I can imagine a contender offering him quite a bit of money to be their 4th starter.
  23. A change up is supposed to go 10 miles slower than a fastball, not 20. Richards is finally showing some of his potential and unless something crazy happens he should be in the rotation next year.
  24. JB Shuck is what Scioscia loves? So a poor base stealer and a below average defender, what a surprise. Maybe Moreno should meddle and take away Scioscia's toy.
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