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Everything posted by Pujols4MVP

  1. The most beautiful black woman is from South Africa, Kandyse McClure from Battlestar Galactica, Hemlock Grove, Ghost Wars, etc.
  2. I think Ottawa ought to just trade him without moving Ryan in the deal, they need a better return more than anything even if it meant moving him to Colorado for their own draft pick back as part of the return.
  3. Barria has the balls Garret Richards never had. Imagine if Barria could throw 98 what he could do with it.
  4. The 2002 & 2006 Rookies are still my favorite. Lackey/Donnelly/K-Rod in 2002. Weaver/Napoli/Kendrick/Kotchman/Saunders/Aybar in 2006. Who would have thought Kendrick would be the one still playing. I would have bet on Weaver or Napoli as a DH to still be playing.
  5. John McCain = Ross Poldark in Poldark on BBC. Basicly the same story, war veteran that comes home & see's the world has changed & runs for poltical office & is a total maverick to the establishment. Warleggan in the show = Trump.
  6. Very good point. What if they could do both: trade for Stone & sign Johansson ? They could run 4 balanced lines allowing for Getzlaf to not get hurt as often. Then in future years they'd have to make trades or let players walk via FA cause they got Steel, Terry, Comtois, Lundestrom, Morand, Jones, McLaughlin in the system.
  7. I'd go with Johansson being most likely to sign with the Ducks cause he'll be alot cheaper & partly because of Swedish chemistry with Rakell or Silf.
  8. If McCain had won in 2008, we'd never see a Trump presidency & we'd probably still see a Obama presidency & possibly a Hillary one. If McCain had managed to win & got re-elected his VP would be the next GOP nominee in 2016 & that means no Trump.
  9. If McCain managed to spend his career being disliked by alot of the GOP & DNC then you know he was doing something right. I wish a million mavericks would appear in both parties. In all seriousness he was never a moderate but he was never a partisan conservative either, he was very fiscally conservative most of the time, especially standing against pork barrel spending & those bridges to nowhere. Keating 5 taught how wrong lobbyists were etc. He moved to the right on social issues when it came time for presidential elections, but if GOP wasn't so religious i'd imagine he'd move to the center on social issues.
  10. Its not bad, by 2021 teams like the Predators & Jets will likely be facing salary cap issues, forcing the Jets to trade people, Pekke Rinne will probably suck by then. The Sharks will for sure be dead in 2021, Pavelski will be very old, Vlasic, Burns, Couture will be declining alot, Thornton retired or skating on ice with a cane. Fowler, Lindholm, Manson & Montour will be in their prime years. Rakell, Kase will be in their prime years. Steel, Morand, Comtois, Lundestrom will be a big part of the team. Josh Mahura - He's blocked at LHD by Fowler & Lindholm. He's a potential top pairing offensive D-man that could be used as a big trade chip to acquire a 1st line center. Each year that goes by it becomes easier to move Perry with less salary remaining. Each year that goes by it makes it easier to buy out Kesler.
  11. I suspect if Kesler doesn't play we may see Steel up playing as 3rd line Center. Put Cogs & Silf on his wings as training wheels & he'll be fine. The future of Kesler being in question he may perform more like a 4th line center if he does play. The days of him being a lock for 50 points are over, 35 points would be the most we could expect. Since Kesler would likely miss some games we'd be more likely to see him produce 25 points in 55 games or something.
  12. So 11.3 WAR that sounds about right. He'd get 6 WAR from his hitting & base running & the 5.3 WAR from his pitching. For that high of a WAR he'd have to bat .300/.400/.550, pitch 175 innings with a 2.75 ERA. All possible in a career year.
  13. If he bats #2 to #4 in 2019 could the PA's be higher than 400 ? If he has a .900 or higher OPS next season & with the way he runs the bases his WAR as a DH should be higher than other DHs of similar OPS & then if he pitches 150 innings of 3.25 ERA how high could his WAR be combined of both pitching & hitting ?
  14. Scioscia: If you can start hitting lefties & i'll put you in against lefties. Ohtani: How can i hit them if i don't get the chance to play against lefties ? Scioscia: Did you hit any lefties in ur dreams ? Ohtani: No. Scioscia: Wrong answer, ur not playing today. Probably going to be a year before ur next AB vs Left handed pitching. Ohtani: $!*%@#%#*#@^ $^@^ $^&@#^@ (Tons of curse words in japanese) Scioscia: What did you say ? Ohtani's Translator: He says he appreciates the job ur doing as manager & he'll try to hit lefties in his dreams.
  15. Will there be a movie or series about McCain's life ? You bet there will. Battlestar Galactica's Michael Hogan will probably play McCain during his runs for president & later life. Alec Baldwin will get to play Trump again. Kate Upton as Meghan McCain ? Tina Fey as Sarah Palin.
  16. McCain was the last maverick in politics. All the core of each parties want these days is guys/gals who uphold a partys platform 100% of the time in lockstep. The Libs & Repub activists on twitter have gotten worse. I can't stand any of it. So i stay out of politics mostly cause of how nasty both sides have gotten. He was the last presidential candidate i was happy to vote for. Didn't care for used car salesman Romney(The GOP Gavin Newsom) & I'll never vote for trump. Ever. In his honor i wish members of congress & the senate would give us more mavericks who do what they believe is right regardless of their partys platform, way too many yes men & yes women in poilitics.
  17. The extreme right or extreme left should never be given too much power: See Pinochet in Chile or Hugo Chavez & his succesors in Venezuela. Thats why when i hear people wanting every republican or democrat voted out, it bugs me, one party having 90% control would never be a good thing, once one side gets that much power they stop listening to the people who elected them & start serving their own interests & moving in different directions, then they try to change the rules in a power grab move.
  18. Napoli would cause Scioscia to retire early or cause him to not retire & continue managing the Angels til he's 105.
  19. Victor + Rex would be a interesting combo. Rex Hudler being stoned while on the air was always fun to listen to.
  20. EDM is listed too high, they still have no defense & a goalie who they will continue to overwork into fatigue. Even EDM fans know they need more D-men & more offensive depth outside their stars & a backup goalie who can at least be league average.
  21. But pitches like he's 35, last few years of Weaver he pitched like he's 45 when Trevor Hoffman was throwing 81mph fastballs on the corners.
  22. Erstad was so great defensively that his career WAR is pretty good. His 2002 Dwar was 4.2 making him a defensive super god, he was Superman when running for balls. He missed alot of games in 2003 & 2006 that prevented him from reaching 40 career WAR. Erstad's career WAR is 32.4 but 32.7 for the Angels, he had a -0.3 WAR after leaving the Angels. He had 2 seasons with a WAR of 6.4 or higher (2002 & 2000).
  23. He's one pitcher i'd like to see manage team, how often he'd go off on umpires would be worth it. He'd open a KFC in the dugout & PS4 video game booth. Lackey would become the 1st manager to put a umpire on the DL & an opposing teams manager on the DL. In the same game.
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