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Everything posted by nikkachez

  1. My only concerns are his home/road splits and how he's only controlled for 2 more seasons.
  2. Right now I'm obsessing over somehow getting Devon Travis from Toronto, but I don't see how it could get done. I know Toronto needs starting pitching, but they're not giving up Travis for any of the available starters.
  3. God I wish, but I think he's going to the Cards
  4. I like Prado at third still, Walker would be an offensive minded move, but I think it would mostly consist of taking on his salary (estimated to make around $10 million in arb).
  5. Should they really blow one of their best trade chips, Tropeano, for a catcher though? I'd like to see catcher beefed up, but I don't think it's a necessity like left or third. I'd rather see what little trade chips are left for a third baseman or second baseman.
  6. Ah yes, but does it take to get Vogt? Angels already shot their bullets in Newcomb and Ellis, nothing left in the chamber. Have to get really creative on the trade market.
  7. I don't think those teams even have those guys available. Eppler said he jumped on the opportunity because Simmons was made available.
  8. I love the John Jaso idea, but I don't think any of these moves happen without Cron getting flipped. He also desperately needs a platoon member. Preferably someone who could play a ton of positions.
  9. Don't like the starting pitchers they suggest (aside from maybe Chen). I still think they need to upgrade the pen, the guys from MLBTR seem to overvalue the Halos pen. I still like the idea of Escobar or Prado for the infield.
  10. I think this is sorta what they're gonna go for. Cowart would be the cheaper alternative if they allocate all the money elsewhere, maybe sign Uribe to at least platoon with him. Heyward or Gordon for left, trade what little trade assets the team has for a second baseman with a good glove, get a veteran backup catcher, a solid utility infielder, and Sipp/Soria. Luxuries, in my opinion, would be an ace or another option at DH.
  11. Right now I'm leaning towards Upton, Prado/Plouffe, Soria/Sipp, and an ace if Arte really wants to splurge.
  12. Well Heyward REALLY helps for the next 4-5 years, as does Simmons. Keep getting guys who contribute for a while and allow the team to slowly rebuild the farm.
  13. I'm trying to piece together a deal with Milwaukee to get Lucroy, but I only see it happening if they take on a bad contract (i.e. Braun or Garza). Lucroy, Simmons, and Trout up the middle...oh my. Not only does he shut down the running game and offer a big bat at a premium position, but his pitch framing and overall defense is...amazing. Simmons and Lucroy make the starting pitching and pen that much better without even adding anyone.
  14. Hell, if he can hit .260-.270 with a .320-.330 OBP, I don't really care about what we gave up lol
  15. Why the hell not? I'm always for these types of moves.
  16. Honestly, I think they were gonna go the FA route for left anyway and the same third base ideas apply. Santiago for Prado or Plouffe would be a decent stopgap. You could sign Cespedes or Span and keep the pick, or you could get a 26-year old stud in Heyward and start the nucleus of a potentially devastatingly good team. Heyward, Trout, and Kole in the outfield? Are you kidding me? What I'm the most intrigued by is how they fill out the infield (third, second, utility infielder, and still even a catcher all make sense) and if they decide to go after an ace.
  17. "One prospect" if the team even has that now hahaha. I just don't see Gordon happening, he would cost a lot more than that (and a lot more than I'd be comfortable giving up now). Second base should get addressed, though. Be interesting to see what route they go now.
  18. Heyward's 26, he would be the perfect addition if they're going the route I think they're going in. I gotta think they're doing something at second too. So many possibilities if Arte opens up the wallet!
  19. This isn't even a win now deal, it sets them up for 5 years at a very important position. Can't wait to see how the roster is filled out.
  20. Man, wouldn't it be something if the Angels had a good-to-great/deep farm system? We could be talking about Frazier and Simmons as legitimate targets. Sigh.
  21. If they wanted to send over Lucroy for taking on Braun's contract, I'm all for it.
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