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Everything posted by katie

  1. Del Mar's first weekend is when she's getting married. She wanted to do something horse-y I guess.
  2. I would like to invite Charles Ramsey to this board to do weekly Friday shenanigans threads with DR. I want him to type exactly how he talks.
  3. Twitter is blocked for me at work, when is it closing? My friend is having her bachelorette party there for some reason.
  4. Media BS? Did you forget the part where we all said we've been there?
  5. I'll be in Boston next month for the series. Yessss.
  6. Of all teams, you'd think god would like the Angels.
  7. He mentions in the video that the teacher told them that her job is just a paycheck... She probably became a teacher for the vacations.
  8. I thought about this actually last week with the whole not impressed face at Psy last week.
  9. Padres vs. Mets... Still better baseball.
  10. Maybe it took 2 hours cause he went the wrong way. You don't go through Azusa coming from LA.
  11. This is on the 215 between Menifee and Riverside...
  12. Beachside, Lumberyard, D Street, Union Kitchen and Tap. All in Encinitas
  13. I have had reoccurring dreams like this too, for about the last 10 years. Haven't had one in a year though. I've never looked up what it means.
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