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Everything posted by Don

  1. I really don’t predict a ton of change out of this administration. It’s not set up for that really. I just hope that the political/social dialogue becomes a little less batshit, and for a more consumer-up approach to economic stability (not sure that’s likely though). In an ideal world I’d like to see a Universal Healthcare option be made available, or at least a basic safety net not tied to employment status. It seems like there’s decent movement towards some “no surprise medical billing” laws, which I’d gladly accept as a good first step accomplishment for this administration.
  2. More FB gold. I personally love how articulate it is.
  3. Because of course. Literally saw a huge caravan of trucks with flags led by a deuce and a half (old army truck) rolling through here a couple weeks back.
  4. Guessing the flags in the back of the duallies gave them away.
  5. Dude, I had an extended convo with someone that tested positive four days later, then had a boozy brunch that lasted two hours next to someone that tested positive three days later. That shit somehow missed me still.
  6. Test results came back negative for me today.
  7. I got the same treatment, but I kinda dig it. Respect with limited accountability is my jam.
  8. Absolutely. It’s militant in the worst sort of way.
  9. It’s like when nobody on the street backs up Denzel in Training Day.
  10. From the same dude that can’t form sentences and doesn’t understand irony. He’s on a fucktard roll today.
  11. FFS. These dumbasses. This is like half my feed right now.
  12. Fun little follow up: https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/President_For_A_Day.htm
  13. I thought that was just a thing for everyone IRL.
  14. Guys, I’m just now drunk enough to argue over stupid stuff with all of you. Yet it seems that you’ve all signed off for the night. Oh well. Peace be with you.
  15. I get you there. I feel like there wouldn’t be a ton of Trumpers that would abandon ship over that one issue though. But you could definitely convince me that he would’ve picked up some Jorgensen voters with that.
  16. All fair. Lol. But man, while it seems dumb, I Could see it swinging six figure votes in some swing states.
  17. Random thought here... If Trump had issued an EO making weed legal nationally, would he have won by last night?
  18. Fucking love Ray Charles. Was always my dad’s favorite musician.
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