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Everything posted by Don

  1. When making a tough decision I always ask myself "How would Liberia handle this?"
  2. Seems like everyone so far today has told the Trump camp to F right off with those requests.
  3. It's a perfect dumb ass conspiracy because they will use literally anything to validate it. Trump wins, validation that he's keeping the good fight against the pedo cult going! Trump loses, validation that the pedo cult really is strong enough and evil enough to rig an election! Trump mentions baked potatoes, validation that he's communicating with Q about children in need!
  4. Honestly @LHalo I've known a couple people now that have had it and legit thought they just had a cold. They were both shocked to test positive. Worth doing if not for yourself, then for the others around you.
  5. I think there are plenty of old school republicans that were just disgusted by Trump as a person/considered him an embarrassment to the office. I've certainly met plenty here. Whether or not they chose to vote for Biden or a 3rd party, I have no clue.
  6. I fear that you are right. I certainly hope you aren't though.
  7. Meh... I don't really believe the anti-Biden crowd would've flipped to D if Sanders or Warren had been the pick.
  8. The Trumpism aspect of the Republican platform is preaching to the choir IMO. Those people are going to vote R no matter what. No need to pander to them. What they should do is go after that never Trump moderate fringe of their party that likely voted D or 3rd party this election.
  9. Honestly, given the house votes and how close the pres vote is in so many swing states, this election has been awesome for the Republicans. All they've gotta do in 2024 is run someone who's not an active daily embarrassment to the country and they'll likely win easily.
  10. Yeah @NrM I don't know my percentages, but I'd call myself "still plays SS on his men's league softball team" fat.
  11. That Jorgensen vote in WI could seriously swing the whole freaking thing.
  12. That's a lot of useless flyers in the trash.
  13. Every time I go vote I'd swear it's Lawrence Welk appreciation day at the retirement home, and not an election.
  14. @Jason I get what you're saying and generally agree with you. This year is it's own unique shitshow, but in a normal world I'm pretty much with you. I consider the ID thing a bit of a separate issue, but that's for another time. My only objection to your plan of more locations and a much longer physical voting window (which is what we do here in KS, and as a voter it's freaking excellent), is that there still needs to be provisions for people in special situations. Disabled people come to mind, military obviously, or just people out of their state for an extended period of time for work.
  15. Really? Still seemed like a huge gap this morning. I think it'll tighten up, but I'm guessing Trump pulls it off by around 100k.
  16. Looks like @Rico might have thrown a perfect game here guys.
  17. Hilarity feels like not the right word.
  18. I’d tend to agree. But is there a legit reason some states don’t start counting immediately? Like I could see an argument from a privacy perspective maybe.
  19. For the record, Wisconsin is freaking awesome for like five months out of the year. Seriously the nicest freaking people.
  20. If you make like $401k a year you’ll probably save around $400*. *If you’re a dumbass that can’t do your taxes right.
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