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Everything posted by sneaky_flute

  1. This show would be so much better if it had a single director. There's a huge shift in tone and dramatic effect with each episode and that inconsistency is preventing the show from being great.
  2. Sometimes a person just wants a Big Mac. You know what I'm saying?
  3. Cocaine is usually out of your system in 24 hours. Combining it with alcohol will form certain compounds that remain in the body a little longer. Doing cocaine while being subjected to 3 drug tests a week is pretty brazen, but you can do an 8-ball of that devil's dandruff and be good to go in a couple of days.
  4. I've snorted a lot of high-quality cocaine in my life and have never experienced chest pains.
  5. Tex Mex originated from rancheros who migrated to Texas in the early 20th century, so you could say it's authentic Mexican food. There are also quite a few restaurants in Texas specializing in interior cuisine. Tex Mex, Sonoran cuisine in Arizona, California burritos, they're all delicious.
  6. It's a matter of photoreceptor function. The dress was white and gold at first glance. A couple minutes later it was black and blue. I had just come in from the dark so it took some time for my eyes to adjust.
  7. Can he tie a marijuana stem in a knot using his tongue?
  8. Most teams aren't going fork over 30 million dollars for a player who hasn't cracked an OPS of .800 in a Cuban amateur league.
  9. Their pitching staff has been underrated the last 3 or 4 years.
  10. I completely expected that. You can't just rest your way through an injury like that.
  11. The most annoying part of the marijuana debate is the claim that driving while under the influence of weed is perfectly safe.
  12. 90s fo sho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czp3wGZ9XUM
  13. Nope, but the NL came really close in 2007. That might have been the weakest league in MLB history.
  14. I'm tired of hearing about various Phillies players being available for trade. Amaro needs to shit or get off the pot.
  15. He's not overrated defensively. I think he should have been traded with Profar waiting in the wings, but I won't hate the contract as long as he can provide something close to league average offense.
  16. Their offense will be terrible IF those players don't recover from their injuries. I'm confident their bullpen will once again be the team's biggest strength with all the young arms they're bringing in.
  17. I've never given credence to ZIPS, favorable projections or not.
  18. It rarely provides valuable, accurate information. On the contrary, these projections are often way off. It's kind of annoying that ostensibly intelligent people waste so much time on these projection systems. The only thing they're good for is tempering one's expectations.
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