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Everything posted by notherhalo

  1. it should pretty much be for vacation pictures only or really crazy shit
  2. I like it when Carrie goes crazy, but too many F words
  3. damnit, now Im going to hear people that say "baseball sucks, its boring" all year tell me how they are such big dodger fans
  4. I wish showers were more like the automatic car wash thing at the gas station
  5. this is a great forum to get public opinion
  6. was Ben Zobrist the best player in the league when he led it in WAR?
  7. Sorry CJ Wilson fans but Beer > race cars, sky diving, v-neck sweaters, etc.
  8. Gibsons in Chicago is overrated - $60 pastured (grass fed) cow at an american steakhouse? no thanks! theres a reason you dont get a NY strip in Brazilian bbq
  9. bandwagon fans firstly problem with dodger fans is thats 95% of their fanbase
  10. is it safe to say Trumbo has reached is ceiling? -he wont ever be the 1st half of 2012 player he once was for a full season?
  11. HD!! - I guess the same as you I figure all these are pretty much the same, thought Ive not ate at all of them olive garden, cocos, carrows, claim jumper, el torito, acapulco, applebees, macaroni grill, tgi fridays, outback, and even black angus nowadays There seems to be something different about Norms, like they use way less chemicals or something PF Changes belongs in that class, but for whatever reason I dont mind eating there once in a while
  12. its about who gives the biggest contract and nothing else 95% of the time
  13. he will still be fun to watch in pinstripes
  14. MLBTR had Getz as best BP prospect in baseball trade looks good for now
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