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Everything posted by mtangelsfan

  1. I could have gone my whole life without this being pointed out.
  2. and the opportunity for the Republicans to take the high road lasted a couple of hours: https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/rhetoric-outrageous-gop-congressman-blames-145341715.html Can the guy at least get out of the hospital before we start up with the super-partisan rhetoric? Crap like this is why we have Trump.
  3. "If", "you'd have" "wouldn't". Good grief, this is all I hear from both sides. It is beyond ridiculous and does absolutely nothing for issues at hand.
  4. Look, I'm all for the idea to not use two examples as a brush to paint an entire industry but to argue that she didn't have a bunch of support just isn't true.
  5. Holy crap! Trump actually sounded presidential in that statement. He did not make this partisan at all. He didn't mention Scalise's party, he said all public servants are there for the common good no matter the differences. That was actually impressive and color me very surprised.
  6. We will see, I don't think Trump gets past four years. The American people have the attention span of a gnat.
  7. I want to give Geoff props for making a 300 page thread. Way to go dude!
  8. i do believe the a portion of the left is intolerant, but this is just one guy, no different than throwing all Christians under the bus if one crazy bombs an abortion clinic.
  9. Dems: "impeach" Reps: "don't impeach" shocking
  10. Man that sucks. Played the comedy straight man to a tee. RIP to the funniest, campiest Bruce Wayne ever. Lots of great memories. I won't see you on the same bat time or the same bat channel anymore
  11. I think Trump is simply awful and I am certain he has done some shady things regarding this investigation. But I wonder when Comey became a hero to the dems.
  12. It wasn't an insult, just don't know who the hell many of the names being thrown around right now. Guess I'm not "in the know".
  13. I have never heard of that guy red. How do you know all of these people?
  14. Are you kidding me? Just call up all of our journeyman scrubs and let them play for the rest of the season. That way nobody will care if they get hurt.
  15. I, for one, am glad he is not on this side of the Mississippi River.
  16. Blaming Trump for this is a stretch. We have been cozying up to those countries for a few administrations now. I don't really see any change.
  17. https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgeleef/2017/01/03/sessions-has-no-problem-with-civil-asset-forfeiture-and-thats-a-problem/#fac3ddf7a052 Kind of guy that believes the government should be able to steal your stuff. Awful person.
  18. He is all for it. Big advocate. Why I have argued from day one that among the many awful picks by Trump, Sessions is easily the worst.
  19. Makes you wonder what else they think they should be able to steal kids from their parents.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/supreme-court-begins-government-apos-094609132.html Starting to rein in civil forfeiture.
  21. I don't think they would but point taken.
  22. I can't find that story, do you have a link? I swear, I still can't believe Turkey is part of NATO. We would have to fight and die for those ass-hats.
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