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Everything posted by mtangelsfan

  1. Made by pasty white people.. Probably Gingers. Oh wait, sorry dude
  2. It is symbolic because it will have almost no impact on the climate. Just a photo op to say "we did something ". basically just like trump and the cons at the rose garden after "passing" trumpcare. however, considering my libertarian leanings I sure and the hell don't want international governments telling us what to do
  3. Love it. it is all symbolic and that is usually bad policy
  4. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2017/05/john-clayton-espn-laid-off-sportscenter-commercial
  5. all while everyone is talking about tweets, low list celebrities and made up words.
  6. They should have used water pressure fire extinguishers on that. Just as effective and way less clean up.
  7. ^^^^ To wit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-scandals-policy_us_592f1effe4b0540ffc841a46
  8. I think you and I have different ideas of what a front line player is. To me, all of the ones you mentioned are replacement level save Calhoun.
  9. Hillary will finally get the leadership position she felt she was owed from the beginning. Queen of denial.
  10. Seriously though, what is their end goal? Who benefits from this? Where is the money going to?
  11. Can we make sure if he is stealing bases that he doesn't go in head first?
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