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Everything posted by AZMike

  1. Truot, Aybar and Bourjos have all been bunting repeatedly. Hopefully this is just a drill / practice for late inning high tie situtions and not a plan for the regular season in the first two innings.
  2. i wonder if this means they're planning on extending Trout after this season, they still have a ways to go to be at risk of exceeding the tax cutoff by any significant amount but a long contract for Trout (if you look at it in AAV terms) taking effect during the 2014 season and several years beyond that could be significant.
  3. It's actually a bit less than $71M if you subtract the salary owed to Juan Rivera. Although Napoli had excess trade value compared to his salaray so that argument may come out in the wash... anyway: Ironically if that happens Arte would have been right about Wells at least being less $ at risk than Crawford (their plan A that offseason) yeah, if his downward trajectory and latest injury situation worsens this could turn into a bigger boondoggle than ARod's second 10 year contract. Even despite his addiction issues the Hamilton contract at half the overall length, same AAV seems a lot less scary.
  4. Agreed. It sounds like the Yankees wanted more right handed OF depth. Aside from Hamilton (and slap hitters like Aybar and Callaspo) our team is all right handed, so giving Conger and Calhoun a chance to get at bats is a good thing for the the Angels. Looks like our bench will likely be Romine, Conger, Calhoun and possibly Snyder (if we start with 3 catchers instead of 13 pitchers)
  5. I'm not familiar with the Yankees farm system but my guess is we get something similar to Brandon Sisk who we got from the Santana trade -- a borderline journeyman pitcher to start in AAA with at least some upside to help the team during septemeber callups.
  6. I'm kinda hoping Wells crushes the ball when the Yankees play Toronto as karma for the whole 2011 Mike Napoli in Texas situation.
  7. It would be pretty epic if the Angels end up backing out of the deal at the last second. Kinda like a role reversal of the Haren for Marmol trade, in which the Cubs backed out at the 11th hour and Cubs fans were super pissed.
  8. The Angels promsied Wells the starting DH spot for opening day (aka April Fools Day)
  9. team leader changes depends on whether a left handed batter or a right handed batter for the other team is at the plate. Not sure how the opposing pitcher matchups fit in though...
  10. You mean the cheap starting pitcher we were able to get in a straight up trade for Jordan Walden for some reason has chronic injury issues? Season = over
  11. ...we did eliminate the Red Sox in 2009 only to lose to the Yankees thanks to Mr. cERA calling for a meatball pitch in extra innings to ARod
  12. More than half the crowd was likely Angels fans at this game. There are a lot of Angels fans actually living in Arizona and very few Rangers fans. Also since Angels are the nearest AL team to Phoenix you'll get a lot more people making the drive as well. That won't be even close to true in Arlington.
  13. I don't understand the comparisons here. Why does everyone think Hank Conger -- left handed catcher who hits for power -- is going to turn into a mediocre right handed relief pitcher?
  14. I'll summarize the game: Jerome Williams was terrible. Conger is almost certainly going to be traded for an overpriced washed up veteran only to get traded to Texas and turn into a gold glove winner.
  15. Maybe we can trade him to Boston for a workhorse starting pitcher with postseason experience.
  16. looks like a pretty stiff wind going straight out toward CF, and it's pretty hot, so basically yes.
  17. but... my attempt at playing devil's advocate isn't working out too well
  18. Awesome. Sabermetrics proves that Conger = starting catcher. He doesn't even need to try to throw the runner out since steals don't matter Stealing second to avoid the GIDP simply "takes the bat out of the hands" of whoever is batting. Pitcher can walk him and setup up the GIDP and the force at 3rd or home. Let's say Bourjos reaches base on a one-out single. Trout singles, Bourjos to 3B. Trout steals 2nd. All that accomplishes is taking the bat out of Callapso's hands
  19. Last year he was not given green light for most steals out of caution from aggravating a hand injury I believe
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