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Posts posted by DowningRules

  1. I don't think you've forgotten anything.

    How is Josh's knee doing?


    I would've put the word knee in quotation marks  and italics there.  As in, "How is Josh's "knee" doing?


    Sing along with me:  "The knee bone's connect to...the nostril...the nostril's connected to the...hand...the hand is connected to the...rolled up $100 bill...the $100 bill is given to the...hooker..."

  2. The Rangers are BEHIND the Angels.  Yet, I'm criticized because I'm posting when they are winning?  Are you guys already penciling in the Napoli wins? 


    You guys need to get a positive attitude, man. It's not that bad. Heck, your ace Weaver is on the way back.  Hamilton is gone.  You have David Murphy now.  Ianetta could go on a hitting binge any minute.  Cheer up :)


    I try to be positive but all I've thought about the last couple years is how the Angels finished 12.5 games behind the Ranyers in 2013.

  3. "Better living through chemistry" is how they're still walking around.  I see them more as talking zombies; it is probably pretty funny to see them live these days.  Keith has gone full-gollum. 

    That being said, he certainly has earned the right to speak-up about music and the business.

    I'm no Beatles fan (as I can only take one or two songs before I feel like puking sunshine), but that was pretty harsh from Keith.


    "Better Living Through Chemistry" is the name of a Miami Vice episode.  It's a real Izzy episode.  It's pretty good, but not one of the best.  It's no "Evan."

  4. "Spanked the last couple of years?"  Really, downingrules?  You mean like in 2013 when the Rangers finished 12.5 games ahead of the Angels? Or, do you mean in 2010 and 2011 when they were in the World Series while the Angels couldn't even play .500 ball?  Or 2012 when they were in the postseason and the Angels were not.  All you have is one year where 80% of the Rangers starting rotation was on the DL in five years.  And, you call that "spanked?"  LOL. You have some weird definition of "spanked" while your team is going down the toilet losing ten of its last 13 games.  If the Rangers were spanked the last five years, what you do call what has happened to your Angels?   


    This is f'ing awesome! Far exceeded my expectations.  Kudos on the research and explanation.  


    note:  If you're under some illusion that the members of angelswin are thrilled with the Angels performance the last five years, to say nothing of the last 13 game, you have worse ADD then Hamilton.

  5. Ugh.  The unfairness of life.  That was an amazing job by Eddings.  To say nothing of Selig insist that the Angels criss cross the country to appease the Skanks and the networks.  I do not miss Selig for so many reasons.  And I had nearly forgotten about Eddings and his "mechanic" sign.

  6. My expectations were low to begin with so I've been pleasantly surprised.  The team has flourished despite their GM bailing mid-season amid upper management rancor; a giant fat contract accompanied with a creepy lying weirdo went back to Texas amid national attention and controversy; and, one key pitcher wasn't able to pitch until well into the season while another key pitcher hasn't performed with the same lightening strike he had last season.


    Taking a step back, consider that Scioscia is partially responsible for keeping this team afloat.  This is where the OGAAT philosophy pays.  I'm not really passionate about Scioscia one way or the other, but there are many other managers out there who would likely have the team under .500 at this point.


    So, no, I'm not disappointed.  I'm rather happy that the team hasn't raised a flag and gone golfing.  

  7. How is he replicating the food? Did he get the recipes? If so, how?


    I think I remember him telling me that he did tons of test batches.  The dude is a very serious mexican food enthusiast and runs (or ran?) a blog which covers Orange County mexican restaurants of all shapes and sizes.  If memory serves, he worked with someone that used to work at Naugles back in the day and they came up with the right formulas.  I have to admit, what I had was good.  

  8. Weird thing...I met the dude who hung in there and won the case against Del Taco to claim the Naugles name in order to re-launch it.  He explained it to me about a year ago.  In my head I'm thinking, 'this guy don't gotta chance. He has no idea what he's doing or what he's up against.'


    A short time after meeting the dude (His name is Christian), he sends me an email:  "I preparing a batch of Naugles food.  Can I drop some off?"  I'm like, wtf?  What a strange cat.  But I'm up for an adventure so I go ahead with it.  


    He dropped off a bunch of burritos and red sauce, and some Naugles stickers.  He had them all wrapped up in that fantastic orange-yellow paper.  I was kind of afraid to eat the food since I had no idea if the dude was trying to dose me Jeffrey Dahmer style and make a penis pie out of me.


    But I tried it anyways, and it was awesome.


    Then, just a few months ago, I learn he won the case against Del Taco and now he's killing the news with the launch of Naugles.  This Christian dude is the very ideal of perseverance.  I'm stoked for him!

  9. I remember seeing Reggie walking out of a restaurant in Newport as a friend and I walked by.  We were probably about 14.  He totally blew us off which, as an Angel fan, crushed me.  Then I heard from others who'd also run into him around Newport that he was a total kook.  Then I felt better.  I learned to tame my expectations of false idols at an early age.  Reason number 5,601 why Mike Trout is f'ing awesome.  Dude is a great player and great with the fans.  

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