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Posts posted by DowningRules

  1. Would the Royals actually invite the possibility of facing the Twins in the playoffs?  If they did, I think the Royals would destroy them. 


    Just thinking outloud here.  Wondering whether the Angels could get ambushed from both front and behind here, if you know what I mean.  A 3-way tie would really suck. 

    There are many double entendres to be had in the last two sentences.  

  2. Its baseball. Some of you take the "tradition" crap way too seriously.

    Babe Ruth pointed to where he thought he would hit a baseball. But he's white, so its no big deal


    Uh oh!  The famous 'Babe Ruth' defense!



    Amazing that you posted that link.  The episode where the line is used, "This country is not your playground," is said to these two young punks who tricked out a lamborghini with a horn that sounds like a food truck.

  4. Miami Vice was so much more than just entertainment.


    It's true. I once had a conversation with the homosexual actor Jon Polito.  He was very proud of his role as El Gato in fifth season Miami Vice, where he played a bad ass gay drug lord. Polito went on and on how the episodes he was in was groundbreaking because homosexuality wasn't displayed like that in network tv then.  


    Never mind that the Vice episode "Evan," one of my favorites, dealt with a character who had a death wish because he drove a cop to kill himself after outing him.


    And of course, there are many other examples of the show being more than just entertainment.  The second season premiere still resonates today.  "Prodigal Son" deals with the machinations of corporate greed and how it controls so many things, and how Crockett and Tubbs are just cogs in the machine.


    "You see money is a commodity. Those who have it can make more of it. And the American dollar is the best brand there is.  When America sneezes...the whole world catches a cold."

  5. I'm going to go ahead and use a Miami Vice quote here.  It's a line from Lt. Castillo (latino), played by Edward James Olmos (bonafide  Mexican-American/vato):


    "This country is not your playground."

  6. One thing missing from this is that insurance companies and Big Pharma artificially inflate their prices, and are able to do so because they're in the pockets of politicians. A single-payer healthcare system could potentially decrease insurance/big pharma corruption, if only because the federal government would have a vested interest in keep health care costs down.


    This is a different argument and an argument suited for government paid healthcare vs. privately paid healthcare.  


    The point is that the Sanders would have to increase taxes, or re-write the tax code to find the money to pay for his programs.  If that's what you want, then have at it and I have no objection if you want to vote your mind.


    I am against it and am against a redistribution of wealth to a point where we all are penalized for earning an income, and aren't trusted to make monetary decisions with our money.  


    I would also be especially cautious that once a tax is implemented, the government and the politicians that like the credit for handing out the goodies funded by taxes (see:  Obama and Obamacare), have a very hard time getting rid of that tax.  Be careful what you ask for...


    Thanks for the link.  I think that $18 trillion number is high, but not impossible.  But, to my original point and quoting the linked article/opinion piece:


    "In some ways it’s by spreading out a cost currently borne by a limited number of people to all taxpayers. His plan for free public college would do this: right now, it’s paid for by students and their families, while under Sanders’ plan we’d all pay for it in the same way we all pay for parks or the military or food safety."




    "Would that be $15 trillion in new money we’d be spending? No, it would be money that we’re already spending on health care, but now it would go through government. If I told you I could cut your health insurance premiums by $1,000 and increase your taxes by $1,000, you wouldn’t have lost $1,000. You’d be in the same place you are now."


    No.  I would not be in the "same place (you) are now."  While the writer of this piece sees no difference how that $1000 would be emptied from my bank account, I do.  As of now, and this is getting less and less so, I have the choice if I want to save $1000 in my insurance premium.  I determine (again, my choices are dwindling) what insurance I want and what my premium is.  With taxes, however, I don't control that $1000.  If I don't fork it over to the government, I will have my wages garnished or eventually go to jail.  There is a huge difference in insurance premiums and taxes, as simplistic as that sounds.  

  8. This is paranoia.


    No. It's math. While I like all the programs Sanders is proposing, such as free college education, these programs won't pay for themselves.  Taxing the 1%, or even those who make, say over $100K annually, will not be enough to pay the trillions it would cost to fund the programs.  


    It's not an argument, it's a fact.

  9. Actually, Bernie isn't that extreme but that's the general idea. In actuality, what he wants is there to be greater equity. He isn't trying to get rid of the wealthy, just reduce their welath from "obscene" to "excessive" in order to increase the poor from "miserable" to "doing ok."


    He's not extreme until he's elected president and you take a look at your paycheck and wonder why half of your earnings were taken by the Feds, no matter how little you make.  

  10. Three day cricket matches (tests) are meant to be long and drawn out.  NFL games are marketed as action packed extravaganzas but really, a great majority of the games are as uneventful and boring as the Aussie writer makes them out to be.  Unless you get wood watching (and hearing) loud beer and truck commercials, then live football on TV without a remote is death by 1000 penalty flags, time outs, commercial breaks, whistles, over-analysis, replays, promos...and half-time.  

  11. Ortiz gets in just by being a Red Sock.  This truly is an instance where it helps to play on the east coast.  


    Under the same circumstances, is it believable that he makes the HOF if he's with the A's, even with outstanding playoff showings?


    Or, with the Padres (I know, no DH, but you get my point)? 

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