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Everything posted by halodground

  1. Going into the season I felt like they needed health and a few things to go right for them to contend. So far, they’ve been fairly healthy but most of the things I felt needed to go right (continued improvement of the young pitchers and Ward/Rengifo plus a couple guys in the BP stepping up) haven’t really happened and somehow they are still above .500 by a couple games. There is still lots of time for Sandoval and Detmers to adjust and improve on last year. Suarez looks lost though. Ward and Rengifo have looked better of late. Estevez and Moore are building blocks but still need help from someone in the pen. Overall, I’m hopeful. It could be much worse, but it’s definitely not the start I would have liked to see. Of course, this is the Angels we are talking about, so if key performances do improve and they seem to be putting it all together then the big injuries will automatically happen.
  2. The losses really highlight the weaknesses of the team. But winning fixes everything. As was said above, a few things go their way and they are 9-6 instead. We’d all probably feel better about that team. Here’s hoping the offense finds some consistency and the BP and defense turn it around. There is still time for that.
  3. I tend to be a total homer and an optimist. Definitely in the “it’s early, it’s a long season” camp. But it’s pretty frustrating watching these guys so far. The weaknesses really stand out.
  4. Wow! Surprising. Excited to see what Neto brings to the team. Seems early but I’ll trust the experts.
  5. How many rallies has Rengifo killed so far this year? Sure hope he turns it around soon.
  6. Absolutely agree with this. He’s seems to be willing to put his ego aside and work on things. I’m pulling for him. Still think his defense looks awful though. Hopefully he hits enough that no one cares.
  7. I’m no scout, but I see a guy who lacks confidence and is uncomfortable out there. Routes are awful. Reminds me of a smaller Adam Dunn. Very small sample but he still looks most comfortable in CF.
  8. Adell could make for a decent gamble at DH if Ohtani leaves. From what I’ve seen of him defensively, that’s clearly the best spot for him. I like Adell and hope he works it out, but my confidence that he figures it out with the bat is significantly higher than him figuring it out in the field. He has looked incredibly awful out there.
  9. What steps does the organization need to take to improve the culture and move past some of the recent public events that have created an impression that the organization is at least moderately dysfunctional. Tyler Skaggs situation, the reported skimping on Minor League amenities, Joe Maddon firing, Arte flip flopping on the sale, the situation around the fraud charges with City of Anaheim, etc. As someone who spent time around the team and front office, what’s Victor’s take on that? How do they get back to being the respected organization of the late 00’s (I know, winning cures everything) or is it mostly media and fan perception?
  10. How the Angels perform against good competition might be a reflection of whether they are any good or not.
  11. Their offense seems stacked. They had some pretty solid starting pitching. But their bullpen really got smacked around. What’s do you guys think?
  12. I’m getting excited. Lots of pieces to generate excitement. But no way I’m fully invested until I see a couple months of solid pitching and a modicum of consistency from the offense. Mid-June rolls around and we are doing those things, then I’ll buy in.
  13. Team Wins and Losses: 96-66 Team Runs Scored: 738 Playoff Berth (Yes or No): Yes Team MVP: Shohei Ohtani Most HR: Mike Trout (51) Most RBI: Shohei Ohtani (122) Most SB: Shohei Ohtani (12) Highest Batting Average: Mike Trout (.308) Lowest ERA (starting pitcher): Shohei Ohtani (2.06) Most W's (starting pitcher): Shohei Ohtani (18) Most Saves: Carlos Estevez (33) Most Impressive Rookie: Logan O'Hoppe
  14. A little health and some unexpected quality out of the pen and this team could be fun.
  15. Hope springs eternal. Especially after a solid Spring Training
  16. I’m guessing the hitter here was just focused but it’s definitely makes it more entertaining to think of it as he’s challenging Shohei.
  17. I thought this was lots of fun. Hope we do it again next year. What were the final standings?
  18. If anyone goes to Tempe, this is an easily accessible spot to watch bullpens. It’s cool to see even the minor league guys throw from this vantage point. You really get a good view of the movement on pitches from there. It’s just below the practice fields west of the main stadium.
  19. Market/Blackout oddity. In Arizona (roughly 450 miles to the Big A) , I could watch the Angels on MLB.TV. In Hawai’i (roughly 2550 miles to the Big A), Angels are blacked out on MLB.TV. But I do get Bally’s here. Evidently all of the California teams claim Hawaii as part of their market.
  20. 1. Health for all the important pieces plus no injuries from the WBC (I’d imagine this is #1 for just about everyone). 2. Strong springs from Anderson, Detmers, Suarez, and Sandoval that build on last year’s performances. 3. O’Hoppe makes it impossible for the Angels to not start him. 4. Adell lights the world on fire in a prelude to forcing the Angels hand later this year. 5. Someone steps up for the bullpen and/or a move is made that improves the backend of the pen. 3 and 4 are pretty unlikely, but one can hope.
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