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Posts posted by InsideThePark

  1. 6 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

    Meh, just tired of the circle of death in these arguments.  Everybody talks, nothing is ever accomplished.  Meanwhile, for whatever the myriad of reasons, kids keep dying.

    I know what you mean. It sucks.

    We'll probably see a little bit of overreach from a gun control advocate.

    MAGA will blurt out more right-wing slogans, as he does every day on here, now that he's a true conservative.

    Same shit, nothing will change.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Blarg said:

    How the liberals are responding is an issue. It was a bad contract but your more interested in keeping Obama legacy than fixing a problem. 

    Where's @EnglishCop when you need him?

    "Obama Legacy" doesn't factor into my opinion but nice projecting. If there was a better solution in place, I'd be all for it but that doesn't appear to be the case. There is no alternative plan. All this did was embolden Iranian hardliners. You'd have a better case if Iran violated the deal.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Jason said:

    I think the argument was that this wasn't sufficient. I'm not that vested in this to where I care that much. I just find it odd that the left is defending Iran's side in all of this

    So as usual, you're more concerned with how liberals are responding than you are with the actual issue.


  4. 6 minutes ago, Jason said:

    What he's doing with North Korea and what was done with Iran aren't even the same thing. The US was trying to bribe Iran into peace.

    You're entitled to your opinion but that wasn't the point...

    I’m not a history expert by any stretch of the imagination but wasn’t there a time that the US didn’t negotiate with terrorists or terrorist regimes? 

    Can't have it both ways.

  5. 4 hours ago, Brandon said:

    Yeah, pretty much what Adam said. I don't remember much other than it gets heavy where he talks about how he's dealing with being someone that hit some serious highs and either due to bad decisions, his schtick dying, or poor management becoming a has been.

    I wouldn't load that one up in the queue or feel it's worth going out of the way for, but I had an idea of who he was and hearing his story changed my mind a little bit and he's a bit more than the dude that does the weasel sounds.

    I'll have to check out that Steve-O episode. I see it pop up from time to time and heard good things about it. Another one that showed a different side of a person and was interesting was James Maynard Keenan of Tool. Bright and interesting dude.

    Steve-O's had 2 appearances... both are good but it was the first one I was referencing. That one's worth bumping up in the queue, you'll get some good laugh out of it.

    I haven't seen that clip of Joey Diaz, I'll make a little time to watch it tonight.

  6. 2 hours ago, Brandon said:

    Good point. I don't care to be very political but have enjoyed different perspectives and thought processes of them or things I wouldn't usually be interested. I can generally take something away from each episode. Agreed about the personalities. Two that stand out and were even mentioned a bunch in the comment sections was the Pauly Shore episode and the recent MMA one with Kevin Lee who to most is a polarizing figure in the UFC. Hearing them be real and just be normal changes my outlook on them.

     You know, I've seen the Pauly Shore appearance show up in my recommendations but I've ignored it. For some reason I didn't think I'd like it, but if you say it's good, I'll add that one to the list too.

    I really enjoy the podcasts where the guests tell you a good story. You talked about how your outlook changed on a couple guests after listening to them... that's pretty much how I felt after listening to Steve-O's crazy life story. Dude, it's nuts. I may have to listen to it again sometime down the road. I got to assume you've already watched it.

    Then there's Amber Lyons' second appearance. Her story about ayahuasca is one for the ages. I had no idea what that was until I listened to that podcast. She's a former journalist, so as expected, she's not short on details. It's kind of funny how she talks about ayahuasca at times as if it's some kind of living entity... but that's part of what made her storytelling so memorable. Really entertaining stuff. I thought her first appearance on his podcast was also one of the better ones.

  7. 5 hours ago, Adam said:

    All of those are very good and there are probably a hundred more that are just as good. 

    It is so refreshing to to hear people just talk to each other and share their ideas no matter how different, unorthodox or in disagreement with the host they may or may not be. So many good podcasts now. It is all about the guests and all about the host allowing them to share freely. Rogan seems pretty dense to me in a lot of ways but I love that he doesn't pretend to know everything and I like how selective he is about sharing his opinions. He's totally comfortable not "knowing everything." 

    One of the best parts of listening to his podcasts is discovering personalities you weren't familiar with before. There's been dozens of those for me, and often times they turn out to be some of my favorites. I even liked his podcast with Ben Shapiro, even though we have different outlooks on a lot of things. One of my favorite parts of that interview was how Shapiro described the social hierarchy at college campuses. I'm sure some of you have heard him talk about that a bunch of times. I haven't stepped foot on a college campus in ages but I don't have much reason to doubt that he's spot-on.

    I agree with your assessment on Rogan. I like that he's pretty humble, laid-back and chill. Seeing him on Fear Factor and occasionally listening to him call an MMA fight, I wasn't expecting that. Personally I don't find him to be hilarious or anything but when he gets going sometimes, he can have a way with words.

  8. On Sun May 06 2018 at 6:35 AM, Brandon said:

    Yeah, let me know how they work out for you dude. I just watched that sleep one yesterday and even shared it on my Facebook page because it was so profound and valuable. I enjoy thought processes and life lessons like how Danaher teaches and talks, but you can pass that one up if you're not into MMA or martial arts as it's basically one big BJJ discussion....but they he explains and leads Joe down a path of enlightenment is pretty cool. That episode just stuck with me from a different perspective angle. The Goggins one is just must see for everyone. I even watched it again last night after I posted it because it played by accident and you just can't turn it off once he starts going.

    Theo's is great because it's relatively new and it's fun to watch him build it. Didn't even know who he was but was at the Comedy Store one night and he comes on and starts off with his gender neutral haircut bit and then proceeded to just slay the room and stole the show. Then I saw him on JRE pretty much at the same time and his appearance and bit about eating a Vietnamese had me dying. He mostly does his podcast alone like how Burr does his, but recently setup and has had 2-3 guests on. If you like his comedy his podcast is a good hour, it's called This Past Weekend and lately he's been putting them up on late Sunday night.

    As soon as I saw the Iliza screen cap I immediately thought of that story. Facking wild. That was my biggest takeaway and remembrance of that episode. (looks like the f word has been censored the same way c*nt is)

    It may be a little while but yeah I'll let you know. It's been about a couple months since I last listened to one of his podcasts but I'll eventually get back into it. I tend to listen to them in streaks. I still need to listen to Kevin Smith and a couple of more Dan Carlin appearances I've been meaning to get to.

    I actually first knew Theo Von like a decade and a half ago when he was doing Road Rules and the challenge lol. Didn't really see him as a comic back then but he was only in his early twenties. he did have likeability going for him, and that obviously is an important component in being a good comic.

    Speaking of Jordan Peterson, the guy is obviously well-read and usually knows what he's talking about but he pretty much made a fool out of himself during his first appearance on Sam Harris's podcast. He spent way too much time defending a very defeatable argument. Thankfully he didn't make that same mistake in his second appearance.

  9. I didn't know Theo Von was on his podcast... surprised it didn't show up in my recommendations. Sometimes I just listen in while driving but for that one I'm going to have to lay back and watch it. I put the other three you recommended in my watch later list. The one with the sleep expert seems really intriguing.

    I'm just going to drop this one in here. It's the best part of one of Iliza Shlesinger's appearances. Some of you might know her from Last Comic Standing or just her stand up in general. This story she tells about her ex is great.


  10. 2 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

    I would have to listen to commentators to use their talking points.  Some of us actually come up with our own thoughts.

    regardless, the scope of warrants are not supposed to be that broad

    The facts indicate otherwise.

    BTW, I wasn't referring to you.

  11. 1 minute ago, Jason said:

    Of course not. Anyone who commits a crime should be held accountable. I just hope they aren't wasting time looking into stuff that isn't related to the Russia stuff

    Doesn't matter. Mueller has a wide scope and is simply just doing his job. I know you want to get to the truth but some of you guys are repeating false talking points from conservative commentators. Guess they forgot about Whitewater.


    Since May 2017, a Special Counsel investigation has been led by the United States Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, a former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The investigation is examining Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, including exploring any links or coordination between Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government, "and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation". 

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