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Everything posted by cysomeawfulpitcher

  1. I got suspended for saying Jenna Ellis can't understand normal thinking. Turns out it was a wise decision in hindsight. I've moved on to Tribel because Mark Kapoberg is awful, too. Got my last few FB jails for calling Marjorie three toes the same thing. Don't get the Mastodon hype, though. I'll stick with the band. The social media site is too complicated for me.
  2. New division and new league. So glad we won't have to face him too much.
  3. Leah Remini has a big shit eating grin on her face, change my mind.
  4. The place I work at plays what I call "dollar store" versions of more popular performers. U2, Wham and Pretenders? No can do. They do play some Sir Rod Stewart song here and there, though. Silver lining, I don't have to hear Mariah, Madonna's Santa Baby or that goddamn Sir Macca and Wings song.
  5. For a really bad movie, Austin Powers Goldmember has a great opening. The only good thing about it. But as far as popular picks go, “I believe in America.”
  6. I tried to get her to block me on Twitter before I got suspended by calling her a two time cultist but to no avail. In the words for Morrissey, speaking of those who irritate me, “I may feel slightly sad but I won’t cry.” At least she’s not the worst of them like Kanye and pedo James Woods. Also, Wrath of Khan, Summer School and Look Who’s Talking are classics.
  7. RIP Christine McVie. https://variety.com/2022/music/news/christine-mcvie-dead-fleetwood-mac-singer-songwriter-1235445846/
  8. Dad is boomer and mom is at the beginning of whatever that "Jones" generation is from what I've heard that's between boomer and Xer. Xennial born in 80. My tastes relate more to Xers in most things.
  9. Rod Tidwell is not Hootie. Great movie but, holy sheit, does that line ever date the movie to the mid 90s.
  10. Watching Herschel do some puzzling speech about Fright Night and making it worse by calling that awesome 1985 movie, dumb. Just for that, he would never get my vote.
  11. I hate that mentality regardless of party. I vote by mail since 2016 so I don't get stickers anyways. Paid off since it rained hard AF this year.
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