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Everything posted by kevinb

  1. HAHAHA I would love to meet the reporter that got this scoop. Just imagine him walking thru the Angels locker room holy fuck what is in between Pujols legs and why does one look like a cantaloupe and the other a peanut this is just weird. You mind if I write a story on this.
  2. Did you say a giant swollen testicle?
  3. Not even to make this a racist thing. But why is it harder for a Latino player to make it to the majors than a white, black or asian player to make it to the majors? There are a ton of people in the big leagues and other professional sports who get paid a whole lot and mail it in. Does the guy look in the best shape of his life? Guy is getting paid 25 mil a year to play a professional sport and he looks ehh for an actual person of his age add in he is a professional athlete and comparisons of Shawn Kemp body type seem to be the first thing to come to my mind. Why would you blame any of the athletes for doing PED's when there is pretty much no downside to doing so. A Rod did it got paid huge and then got caught and still get paid huge there is really not a huge down side for using. He stopped and got out of shape got injured aged and got paid 250 mil its really not that big of a mystery. Who works their entire life to get that huge pay day gets the huge pay day and then wakes up the next day with the same fight to stay on top. Not a lot of athletes do that, not a lot of people do that.
  4. Maybe and maybe not. Maybe there are other factors than just money in his life. I think harping on an 18 year old kid on what he does or doesn't do with his signing or not signing with the Angels is a little strange.
  5. If anything it'll make his numbers look even that better. If you weren't a fanatic of the Angels and your were a friend of this kids and the Angels which I'm guessing are low balling the kid and his agent would you tell him to sign to be a minor leaguer or actually go to college get a degree and maybe improve his stock. He is an athlete athletes are competitive by nature if he thinks he can get better which I'm sure he is and he thinks he can be a first round pick and get a higher pay day up front don't you think he ought to do it. Who cares where he went to school people who are talented get signed and drafted. Khalil Mack end to Buffalo and ended up signing what 3rd? The Jaguars signed signed Blake Bortles 1st overall out of Central Florida is that even a school. Take off your rose colored glasses about whats best for the Angels. It is an 18 year old kid you crazy people, stop jumping on his balls about the Angels and realize he is 18 years old crazies. Maybe he wants more money or maybe he is immature which um he is 18 years old thats allowed, I can't believe people on a message board are trying to call him out for that, which makes sense, and maybe just maybe he wants to go to school. Also if he does sign great if not oh well good for him for picking school and trying to get into the 1st round.
  6. Played in a shittier league, stopped juicing, got lazy, turned muscle into fat, got paid, cared less, got injured, became older.
  7. Trade all assets that people would trade for. The Angels are in last place r u kidding me. Santiago has value? Can the trade him in the middle of the inning?
  8. So your saying a 2nd round draft pick out of high school has no way to improve his draft stock? Ok then. Guess at 18 he is at his peak and will only get worse unless he signs with the Angels and then he can only get better? Confused by your convoluted and confusing talk. And how does it not make sense Mack came from a no name college as well so there's that. But don't worry bout it. Went right over your head
  9. how many first round draft picks came from Buffalo? Khalil Mack. If he was a 2nd round pick this of around and he plays up to what he thinks he can do then do it and sign in 3 years in the first round. That's what I said also I'm sure if the Angels didn't sign him someone else would have in the 2nd round. Unless your saying the Angels are the worst run organization in baseball and would pick a kid in the 2nd round when no one would touch him till way later than the kid better sign and what the duck are the Angels doing signing someone like that in th 2nd round
  10. He's a second round pick obviously they thought he was worth it
  11. If you guys saw the latest minor league baseball article on what they get paid it's insane id make the Angels drop as much dime as I could possibly get. If he has another year of eligibility in college and the Angels don't pony up no harm going back to school to see if u can get in the 1st round
  12. Mathis is the real Angel killer
  13. I guess u didn't read what I said or I was also texting this but I agree completely with what you said. If the guy is just doing drugs in his house and not harming his kids or his wife it's on him or if he's single but stay inside. If the guy uses and then drives or abuses his wife kids whatever fuck him. I hate that Greg hardy got a job last year in the NFL. That Adrian Peterson still has a job. Dude whipped his kid with a stick guys an absolute ass hole human being and if I was a fan of the Vikings which I'm not I wouldn't be till he retired. I don't understand how fanatics of teams can root for the team and not the players themselves. The Angels signed Hamilton guy was a drug addict and awesome that he "got clean" but it was never out there that he was abusive eye for yo himself so that's on him he seemed from the outside looking in other than being a druggie like he was decent guy but maybe it was just how the media portrayed it. Long story short if the Angels signed or any of my teams signed dudes who are abusive to kids or wives or women I'm just not a fan of that stuff and hence the team could suck it haha. Sorry if there was any misunderstanding in post.
  14. Did u not read anything I just said. I would not root for a guy like that and would root against the Angels. Are you high?
  15. See if u didn't have umpires this wouldn't happen. Actually I didn't watch what happened?
  16. If he wants to do drugs in his house and not be a danger to society by doing it and driving. Sure his friends and family suffer but that's a he or she problem they need to address. They have the ability to stop it and they don't. It doesn't affect my view point as a fan. But if he or she does something like say Greg Hardy who clearly was on something and beat a woman nearly to death then yes it affects other people and it affects how I root for a team. If the Angels signed or traded for Chapman I would root against them till he was off the team.
  17. When you juice your entire career and then stop after getting your final pay day. Take that a long with the fact the guy stopped working out and lost mobility and runs like a guy who's 50 to 60 then you got yourself Pujols
  18. No you're right 247 is high 200s we should be proud to pay 25 mil for that kind of production
  19. I agree with you. I wish there was a dislike button for your post haha cause I feel weird liking it that Arte is killing the farm and in turn this team
  20. You're right Pujols is amazing I hope he signs a contract extension
  21. Cool so 240 for the season then?
  22. A Rod and Tex produced more than Pujols through out there contracts. Pujols is in the low 200s with his batting average
  23. Untouchable list Trout........... Actually screw that no ones untouchable for the right deal. If the Cubs came which they wouldn't but offered Bryant Rizzo Arrieta you'd take that deal in a heart beat
  24. I don't care what u do off the field if it's drugs and hurting yourself. But if u are a domestic abuser child abuser and u have a bunch of dui your kind of an ass face and don't want you on the team I root for. And will root against you every chance I get
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