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Everything posted by xboom28x

  1. Forgot to add this from my experience at the Ducks game here in MN. Met many Ducks fans that were not from California. They were all from Iowa, Wisconsin and MN. They're reason for picking the Ducks as their favorite team? They just liked them. It's kind of cool to see that the Ducks are picking up fans from other parts of the country just because they are a likeable team.
  2. Dallas has about a 2-3 year window to win a title with Romo. AP has 2-3 years left in his abilities. If they wait for the Vikings to cut him before June 1 they can sign him to a cap friendly deal going forward. He'll take less to come home. No doubt.
  3. Cowboys will not get to a super bowl with McFadden and a rookie.
  4. Not really. Have you seen how little Run-DMc has played his entire career?
  5. One could argue we got outplayed tonight. Fun place to watch a hockey game though. The arena is top notch and the fans are passionate. That place was jam packed. Ducks have won 6 in a row at the X. I've been there for the past 4.
  6. I didn't agree with Joe much, but we had one thing in common, an enormous passion for sports. When I think of SoCal Sports talk, Joe McDonnell is the first person that comes to mind. RIP Joe.
  7. Hopefully tonight is the start of the rebirth of the twins line. They were great with Bels earlier this year. Hope they get hot again. Gibby in net. I hope he has a chip on his shoulder. I'm happy to see him play. I'll be at his end of the arena for 2 periods.
  8. No real need to "save" Freddie for Nashville if there is a day off in between is there?
  9. Going to the X tonight to watch the Ducks. Great seats. Was hoping to see Gibson in goal but after Wednesday, I'm hoping it's Andersen. Beleskey should be back too! Hope it ignites the offense!! Go DUCKS!!
  10. Dallas may wait for AP to get released. If he's cut by June 1, he only counts for 2.4M against the cap.
  11. Considering his best days involved a 2,000 yard season, I'd say you are correct. I'm sure he could run for 1,200 yards and 8 TDs with that offensive line in his sleep though.
  12. 90 percent of what Walton says has nothing to do with the game going on in front of him. Someone could have their leg completely detach from their body and lay there on the court with blood gushing out all over the place, and Bill wouldn't miss a beat talking about a car that his uncle owned in the 70s
  13. I would think 4 years after not seeing a pitch would pretty much end your career.
  14. The door is open for AP to get traded to Dallas now.
  15. I think the Angels carry 4 starters for the first week of the season. Whoever the 5th starter is, he should get one start at AAA before being called up for a start at Texas. Then, when Richards is ready, a decision can be made between sending down Trop/Heaney or sending a bullpen arm down and dropping Santiago down to the bullpen. Of course, this could all change depending on how everyone performs this spring.
  16. Josh Hamilton and his 10 home runs and 44 RBI hit clean up last year for the leagues best offense so...
  17. Walton during last nights broadcast: "I'm still high from the Super Bowl! What a game!"
  18. Playing in 66 of 82 games on average per year is not a deal breaker in my opinion. Vets are getting that many days off just for rest.
  19. The thought in the front office would be to trade the top 5 pick for someone like Durant or Westbrook to play with Kobe, Randle, Swaggy P.
  20. With all of the inconsistencies with the top line this season, I think BB envisioned Fleischmann with the twins. I'm anxious to see what lines he throws out there this next game.
  21. Not really surprised. Beleskey wasn't going to command much due to being a rental (and not healthy yet on top of that). What the Ducks would have gotten in return for him was likely worth less than having him for a Cup run.
  22. When Vatman comes back I think Despres is odd man out. What this does though is, if someone gets nicked up in the playoffs and has to sit a game, Ducks shouldn't lose too much putting in Despres.
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