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Everything posted by TobiasFunke

  1. Best ones: up the bum no baby's I'm not gay but $20 is $20
  2. From top to bottom that was by far the strangest most awesome inning I've ever seen in my life.
  3. It would just be too much of an extension of his role in Se7en for me to want to see him in it.
  4. Just found out I'm gonna be seeing these guys in a couple of weeks. They rule.
  5. Will always be known to me as the day my wife went into labor
  6. #9 - the dude that mines gold in sidewalk cracks, I saw a mini-documentary on him once. It was pretty wild.
  7. Well yea, but still away from Kings Landing is a huge thing. When she was lying in bed hearing the two bone I just had Arrested Development in my head with her saying, "I've made a huge mistake."
  8. I think it had to do with pretty much them lying to start the war. I thought the episode was better than last weeks. Sansa finally escaped so there's that part that will expand. When Hodor killed that dude like it was nothing I literally said to my wife, "well that was anticlimactic."
  9. I too find her hotter as a brunette. Similar story to that picture. At spring training a few years back we had seats at an Angels/Rangers game at Surprise. Hamilton was right by us on the field signing autographs and I pulled up his picture of him drunk getting body shots done on him on my phone. I was screaming for him to sign it and he wouldn't look at me.
  10. And this is why "American" car companies are losing the race
  11. My problem with him is he fouls off 0-0 and 0-1 pitches like he's in the hole and is in defensive mode. Other than that I agree with trolldaddy, he's valuable to our team.
  12. Thanks for the explanation. I REALLY need to rewatch the last couple of seasons.
  13. That dude that's buddy buddy with Jon Snow, he ran with Robb Stark during the war right? Why didn't he tell Jon Snow that when they were first talking? It's things like that why I don't trust that guy. One would think you would be like, "whoa, Jon Snow I fought with your brother, i respect your family."
  14. Wait, who are the Bolton's again? And I thought the guy looked familiar but it all clicked once you said that he was the dude that cut off Jaime's hand. Thanks Red. There is something about that guy that makes me not trust him.
  15. I'm guessing they have a huge part in the grand scheme of things and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
  16. Definitely, her and Stanis go toe to toe for me saying, "****, not this again." At least Stanis has the sexy red witch at his side.
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