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Everything posted by TobiasFunke

  1. Involved in what, and what do you think his end goal is?
  2. Yes Nate, it's a cartoon series and it's pretty damn good.
  3. I think some of us almost forget that she and Tyrion are married
  4. When The Hound let his guard down and told the face story to Arya and then The Mountain gets re-introduced I was almost certain that somehow The Hound would get word of the trial fight and booked it to fight him for Tyrion, then right when I was thinking that, that's when Obyren walked into Tyrion's cell and I remembered about he and The Mountain's history. That's when it hit me of what's going to happen and I was like, "Fuuuuuuuuuuck this is gonna get good."
  5. And I have no issue looking at said skin
  6. Sansa is still weak minded. I don't see that happening.
  7. In typical GoT fashion, I expect The Hound and WNBA to fight each other and both end up dying of their wounds. There's no way Arya dies (obviously I could be wrong and the book people know)
  8. 1) I'm not excited about any new Star Wars unless Guillermo Del Toro does it 2) I've only seen a few episodes of Clone Wars and they are awesome. I really need to watch them all in a month. Never thought I'd have the desire to watch a cartoon at my age not named South Park.
  9. This episode ruled like everyone said. Two things were significant I felt in this episode. One, assuming Oberyn kills The Mountain and Tyrion is freed then Tyrion is technically in debt with a person who possibly hates his family more than he does. How is that awesomeness going to be played out? This could be the start of Tyrion vs. the rest of the Lannisters (minus Jamie of course). And two, Littlefinger killing Catheryn Stark's sister opens up a whole new dramafest. I'm loving that the last few weeks things seemed a bit stagnant and now they just opened up about 4 new doors in plot possibilities.
  10. Don, do you know how the firing squads of old worked? I'm pretty sure only one of the shooters had an actual bullet and the other had blanks so no one had the guilt of killing someone. I'm probably wrong though
  11. I have an even funnier (in my opinion) wrestling gif I'm keeping in my back pocket.
  12. That's all corporations see. And that's enough for them to not go to America because it makes us "business unfriendly." BTW, I agree with you. Make it more expensive for them to do business out of country than in country.
  13. Nate, there is no way we can compete with China, India, Vietnam, Mexico, etc. etc. etc.
  14. Businesses will go to any state that will give them the highest profit margin. And they will go to a country that beats out that American state in regards to profit margin. And they will go from one country to the next if the next country gives them a higher profit margin. Businesses don't care about America or Americans.
  15. I agree with you 100% That being said, I don't think that we should destroy the environment and fiscally bend over backwards for the businesses. There has got to be a happy medium but both sides (government and corporations) will never get there.
  16. I don't buy this excuse because the state could say anything to a business and the business could label us "business unfriendly". If a business is in Washington and can pay 3% less in taxes in Idaho, technically Washington would be business unfriendly to said company. If a corporation just looks at the bottom line for their board members/stock holders, then I'm sorry for not jumping to their rescue.
  17. Maybe I should start a different thread about pollution, but how can people see video footage of places like China or trash dumping everywhere like in India and not want to have more strict pollution control? That should be no argument. Congressmen want to "ease restrictions on businesses" by pretty much letting them do whatever the hell they want. How can we not see that is a bad idea? My dad told me back in the day it was so bad in California that you couldn't even see the San Gabriels because of the smog. I'm glad it's (semi) not like that anymore.
  18. MT and Jay are just pissed they can't use Aquanet aerosol cans on their hair anymore
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