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Everything posted by TobiasFunke

  1. That actually got a "whoa ****" from my wife
  2. That makes sense, but if I was Jon I would think that bringing a Dire Wolf, an animal that doesn't exist anymore below the wall and no one below the wall can tame, shows that he's more of an "above the wall" type of badass than the wildlings would give him credit for. I guess that's confusing what I just put. Look at it this way, I'd rather the Wildlings see me as a fly mamajama with a Direwolf than a jive turkey Crow.
  3. This is also the first time I've heard of it, but of course I don't frequent websites bashing the president for chewing gum so I don't think I would have heard anything about it.
  4. My Niggaz Jon Snow and Tyrion are still alive!
  5. Why the hell didn't Ghost go with Jon beyond the wall?
  6. The real question is do private school teachers get a little bit more freedom of being more, how you say, "old school" than public?
  7. What's your feelings on medicinal marijuana then? Do those people get free chances? Cause if not then that anti-American president shouldn't either.
  8. Is that a new variation of the duck face? Like the "who farted" selfie look.
  9. Their background was this. They happened to be at a diner right before where a robbery gone wrong happened. Some black dude talked the guys ear off about second chances and bible versus then they went to a Cicis and the rest is history.
  10. Maybe they're a town full of diabetics. You ever think about that one smart guy??
  11. Bunch of dudes swinging swords at each other? I thought this was going to be in the Florida thread.
  12. This rant right here sums up EVERYTHING!! So many golden lines. There's also a million spoilers but this whole thread is a spoiler so no big deal. http://www.tickld.com/x/guy-goes-crazy-after-the-last-game-of-thrones-episode-this-is-the-best-status- Best line: "the most likeable character left on the show is Stannis Boratheon who has a swag rating of 14/100"
  13. Anyone ever check out Sanctum Brewing Company in Pomona?
  14. ^this South Rancho close to the Ontario border is a dump, but other than that it's your typical cookie cutter suburban city. Of course if someone is raised in a mansion, then a modest house looks like a dump. It's all in how you look at it.
  15. Alta Loma is really nice as well. There are nice areas of Rancho though. I wouldn't go as far as calling it a shit hole.
  16. There are really nice areas of Rancho. Some areas, not so much. But Rancho is Malibu compared to Adelanto.
  17. Patton slapping a soldier in Italy ended up saving our ass in the invasion. So many things could have gotten wrong (and/or right) during the invasion.
  18. Matt Freeman is the only bass player that plays with a pick that I don't judge.
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