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Everything posted by TobiasFunke

  1. Sorry, I took your comment, "Again, the pertinent question: how many thousands/millions more can we handle right now, when we can't even provide jobs to our own citizens?" and figured you want to close the borders. You don't want the borders closed?
  2. I'm not for billions of people coming to America every day, I just think America has pretty smart people and we can figure something out. Not just say no one is allowed anymore (the fansince solution)
  3. I would be surprised to see how many % of Americans approve of us sending troops again to Iraq. The number has to be insanely low. This is something lefties and righties both agree on, we've gotta back each other up and make politicians realize we don't want to be involved again.
  4. It might be a small minority, but a valid complaint nonetheless
  5. Well there's the rub. We want people to go about doing things the right way but we don't have a system set up to allow people to do it the right way.
  6. Oh am I? I too have Christian friends that refuse to use birth control because they feel they would be altering God's plan. And they would be quick to call out Hobby Lobby for allowing that to be in their medical plan. So don't tell me that I'm wrong for throwing that out there because a lot of believers would back me up Hobby Lobby's hypocrisy.
  7. Immigrants were coming in by the thousands every month back then pretty much all from Europe so having Ellis Island in New York made sense. We know immigrants are (trying to) comming here by the thousands from Mexico/Central/South America. If we actually cared about our original immigration principles why don't we attempt to have an Ellis Island type facility somewhere near the border so we gave give people a chance to come here legally?
  8. So you're saying they have no problem in altering God's plan?
  9. Word on the street is that bitch Statue of Liberty started the rumor back in 1883 to the immigrants coming in droves from Europe. You know, those people that the majority of us came from? Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
  10. People that embrace this court decision should welcome blood transfusions and antidepressants as exemptions right?
  11. Whoa, never thought about that before. Would be interesting to see that in the news. Edit: This guy would be stoked
  12. Do people honestly believe we have the best health care system on earth?
  13. Take guns away from everyone! There, now it belongs here AngelsNSkins Glad you're ok Don
  14. I was going to go Soul Glo when I watched the movie on Comedy Central over the weekend, but damn Sexual Chocolate is awesome. Maybe I'll have a gif of his first bride-to-be bouncing on one leg.
  15. I believe the children are our future, teach them well and...LET THEM lead the way
  16. I'll call Jerry Brown to let him know your concerns. I have him on speed dial.
  17. Easy blarg, it's a friggin' Buzzfeed article for God's sake
  18. Where can we see the no fly list? For some reason I would assume there are more people in America on the no fly list than there is non-Americans.
  19. Flying internationally is a right? I honestly don't know what is a luxury and not a right anymore.
  20. I think you're focused too hard on the matchlight part of the charcoal. If it was regular charcoal that would be a decent idea.
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