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Everything posted by TobiasFunke

  1. No one has reported an update on the one suspect kid that has been arrested huh? What the heck ever happened to him? That's something I thought MT would have brought up.
  2. I was waiting for Sansa to finally snap. If it didn't happen then it's never going to happen.
  3. My reaction to the dwarf acting scene was pretty much
  4. I was just reminded that Joffrey's new wife was married to the gay Boratheon. Completely forgot about that. Which makes that part of the dwarf act that much more awkward and makes sense the look on the grandma and the girls face when watching it. Damn Joffrey was ruthless!
  5. Wait, is Littlefinger really going to propose to that mountaintop chick with the kid? I know he left but wasn't sure why.
  6. So when you got out of basketball the Clippers were shit and had 6 fans is what you're saying?
  7. Matt Palmer, wow that's a name I haven't thought of in a while
  8. I just read an article (stupidly) that said who the killer is. I'm kinda mad that I read it but not really.
  9. Oh yea you're right, I remember now. Thanks man.
  10. So then technically, still the rightful King is the bastard son that was friends with the young Stark daughter? After he boned the red witch, what ever happened to that guy?
  11. Ooohhh schnap. I think you're right Brandon. Shit, then I wouldn't put it past the grandpa who is Hand of the King to kill Joffrey since he's been shitting on the Lannister's name ever since he became king. Now he would be king right? Daaaaaang
  12. Yea I was thinking that it most likely is the grandma (that broad knows how to play all sides) but it got me thinking a few weeks ago. If Joffrey dies, who then becomes the new king. Is the new wife in charge of all the lands now or does it go to the next man in charge which would be the brother of Joffrey's dad who technically is the rightfull king anyway? Or wait, if it goes brothers then does that mean Jamie is the new king? Those that want to answer, make sure you don't give anything away from the books.
  13. oh fugg, good reminder regarding east coasters
  14. Just saw this so I figured I should put it in here. Here's the difference between American soccer players and non-American soccer players
  15. Even though it should be a no brainer, can a mod put something along the lines of "massive spoiler alerts inside" in the title, just in case some n00b comes creeping in here and ruins his GoT experience?
  16. DW, I couldn't agree more with you. I'm going to miss the hell out of Joffrey and wish he wasn't dead. When the dwarfs were doing their performance I thought Sansa's head was going to explode like the dude from Scanners. So who does everyone think did the job? The easy answer would be the Spanish guy, whatever his name is. But I'm thinking that's too easy to think that and it's someone that we don't even expect. I also am hoping Jamie breaks Tyrion out of prison or something along the lines of that. I MUST HAVE MY TYRION!
  17. Sounds like the perfect candidate for an Angels baseball player
  18. The point is, don't act like that shit doesn't happen in other sports
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