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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. How many house seats do the dems lose over this? Place ya bets. Place ya bets.
  2. Good. Probably a bunch of spending bills anyway.
  3. Man I used to love these. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/17/arts/far-side-gary-larson.html https://www.thefarside.com
  4. I'm sorry, I didn't realize Paul Ryan was in the CA government.
  5. The only thing I care about in this thread: Well done Cole. Well done indeed.
  6. The CA government can end the pain by reducing taxes but I digress.
  7. When they launch the new video game can they not make it so damn hard to land on the aircraft carrier?
  8. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Letter-from-President-Trump-final.pdf
  9. The ability to recognize sarcasm on the internet is a key function in modern life.
  10. What do you think successful people are doing in droves?
  11. I had no idea the opening scenes were filmed at the Cowboy Boogie until a friend pointed it out to me a couple months ago.
  12. It's going to be insane when this bubble pops.
  13. Was just about to post this. A more accurate comparison would be getting "Munsoned" out in the middle of nowhere.
  14. BoSox had the bloody sock, Rangers have the bloody jock.
  15. Without him McClain wouldn’t have known about the annex skywalk brah.
  16. He called me a jackass in the Queen Mary thread. Granted I called for the mass extermination of homeless but that’s neither here nor there.
  17. The long game is not their friend. In the Senate, the cons get to pick and choose the witnesses. I have a feeling there will be some interesting testimony right around the time of the election.
  18. There was a guy at my company who would casually jerk off in the bathroom stall about 2-3 times a week. Other guys would hear him while they were taking a piss and call him out on it. Management called him in for a meeting and he denied it of course so it was a rough situation to deal with. Eventually word spread so people started giving him weird looks and talking behind his back. He got the message that everyone hated him and thought he was a freak so he quit. So far he hasn't come back and sprayed the office with bullets so we have that going for us, which is nice.
  19. Sorry to burst your bubble but that boat is a rusted pile of shit. Years of neglect have left it rotting from the inside out. It’s sad and unfortunate but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s scrapped in the next few decades. Hell it’s not even profitable as it sits right now. https://lbpost.com/news/independent-audit-shows-6-million-net-loss-for-queen-mary-operator-in-2018
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