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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. Wait what? The Kurds boycotted the session of parliament.
  2. Associated Press Thu 27 Dec 2018 14.43 GMTLast modified on Fri 28 Dec 2018 00.10 GMT Politicians from Iraq’s parliament called for vote to expel US forces and promised to schedule session to debate the matter https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/dec/27/iraq-trump-visit-us-troops-lawmakers-demand-leave
  3. There's plenty of legit Biden creep outs though.
  4. I don't understand why we haven't backed a Kurdish state. Who cares if Erdogan doesn't want it? Those assholes should have been booted from NATO years ago anyway.
  5. ~38 other MLB teams just shouted "Shit, I wish I would have thought of that."
  6. Thursday was the first day of trading after Lockhead Martin received the new $2 billion contract to build F-35’s and another $7 billion to maintain the F-22’s. You guys love going down that Twitter rabbit hole no matter how dumb it makes you look. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lockheed-martin-lmt-wins-1-132201678.html https://www.fool.com/investing/2019/12/28/lockheed-raytheon-land-billions-in-end-of-year-def.aspx
  7. I might go out there to see Elfman and then come straight back home.
  8. I believe this still has to be approved by the PM. Not sure though.
  9. The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Powers_Resolution
  10. “The other side” would be pulling the same shit if they were in office. Biden completely agreed with Hatch in this exact same scenario. I’m actually ok with it. A person who orchestrated an attack on a US embassy was killed by our military. It’s precisely what Clinton failed to do against Bin Laden after the Tanzania and Kenya embassy attacks. At least Trump’s missile hit the target lol.
  11. He’s baiting the Iranian government. They’ll retaliate for sure now or they’ll look like complete pussies in front of their citizens.
  12. Hopefully it would be just their leaders wiped off the map. That country is on the verge of a revolution. The average citizen over there is ok in my book.
  13. Sleeper cells detonate a dirty bomb in densely populated U.S. city. Hijackers take over a plane flight originating from another country and pull another 9/11. High profile hits and kidnappings. Shit like that.
  14. Looks like there is some serious house cleaning going on over there.
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