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Everything posted by Biergott

  1. Much rather play Detroit than Baltimore. Tiger's "best rotation in baseball history" is suddenly in shambles.
  2. I still miss Weber's delivery. And unlike Sogard, he made nerds look cool
  3. Was listening to MLB network on XM yesterday and they were interviewing a Cardinals beat writer who was saying they wish they had Freese back because they could use his bat and Bourjos isn't panning out, no mention of Salas though....Good times.
  4. I was on the get rid of Jepsen train. I still get nervous when he comes in even though it's from past experiences that are no longer relevant. The crow is yummy though!
  5. Yup. Suicide from asphyxiation. Battled severe depression in recent months. Damn.
  6. I do, quite often. When the line isn't all the way to the WalMart entrance
  7. Loved uverse for years, but last 9 months have be terrible. Mainly internet issues, and I have the highest package. Can't get more than a $20 credit, 5 tech visits, including one where the dude never even showed up.. Good luck to you.
  8. Strange the Del Taco in Foothill Ranch has a promotional Naugles Throwback Menu right now with Bun Taco, Orange Shake and some other things... Del making a preemptive strike? Bun taco looks rude, but the orange shake was good.
  9. Guess I was watching a different game, didn't see the excitement. Actually he seemed pretty pissed when it happened.
  10. Brahm's Lullaby. Be very quiet. Don't wanna wake up the bats. They're sleeping. Shhhhhhhh
  11. Someone sure seems be wanting a sack lunch. His eyes were locked on.
  12. it's fun. We will probably forget all about it once the next game starts tonight. Well, actually no. It is just too good.
  13. Really? Looks like Albert shot while Trout was sliding into home. The gif shot from behind Albert you see Trouts dust cloud from his slide as he's shooting the arrow. Regardless it's cool as hell.
  14. No mention on Pads radio cast that Street is warming up. Sounds like he's still in the pen though
  15. This angle me feel better, thanks! (I was in the get Street camp for the record)
  16. It's a sick pen, and if Street performs like Street and stays healthy I'm stoked right now. But yeah, it's gonna sting down the road I think. Sure feels like an overpay, but if we win, is it still an overpay? Not like the Pads had to trade him, and I'm sure other teams were interested and the price was going to be steep no matter what. Stoked for now, bummed for the future. Is it true Street also has an option as well? So we get 1.5 yrs plus an option?
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