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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. Go get 'em! https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2017/02/16/berklee-not-berkeley-but-angry-twitter-users-didn-realize-that/G7NFxwZqc9r01moQDHnIqO/story.html
  2. Go to hell. This nation would have crumbled far earlier without "The Naked Gun" series.
  3. You'll find a way to blame Hillary for that. I believe in you.
  4. That's basically all you're going to get out of this guy. It's probably enough for you at this point, though.
  5. He did not actually say that the leaks are real and the news is fake, did he?
  6. They're solid and never lie. http://www.wcpo.com/news/national/aetna-lied-about-quitting-obamacare-judge-rules
  7. Wait, y'all don't get snowflakes with all that snow?
  8. It's because that's taken directly from the link I posted, to which Taylor responded "But Hillary...", which you then responded to with "You guys want to believe it so it must be true."
  9. Ah, shit. Lawrence is going to be pisssssssed. A post indicating displeasure with this is incoming.
  10. Well, I think the distribution of money is obviously an issue. Places that spend more per student get better, but still kinda underwhelming results. I think that it's really important where the money is spent. http://politicsthatwork.com/graphs/education-spending-median-income I'm fairly certain that this is said in jest, but they should be paid well if they perform well.
  11. You're right! https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/27/trump-foundation-charity-spending-investigation https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_J._Trump_Foundation мат
  12. It's our nature. You do it, too.
  13. So doesn't make the recent trend relevant as a share of overall population, especially since the distribution indicated by the information indicates a changing distribution relative to how long the people making up that population have been in the country?
  14. You want to believe that so it must be true. Like this
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