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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. I'm sure you were waiting by the computer all weekend on pins and needles. My apologies.
  2. Closing the campus is so unrealistic that I'm not sure you were even being serious. It's not a middle school. The central campus itself is like twice the size of Disneyland, probably larger. There are solutions. That's not one.
  3. Actually, not only is he not the smartest person in the room, he's not even the richest. Kid Rick is actually worth an astounding $3.7 billion due to savvy investments in the online DVD rental market in the late 90's and early 00's. He's actually the single largest shareholder in a little company that rhymes with Netflix.
  4. It's not nice of you to make subtle digs at Donald Trump like that.
  5. I dunno, that's pretty much a President level approach in 2017.
  6. MOAB: Mother of All Bombs SOAB: Son of a...
  7. Cez, you realize that your insistence on inserting Turd in every single effing post of yours completely devalues what you're posting? You're making some very legitimate observations and then you're completely discouraging conversation by childishly insisting on inserting Turd everywhere. Rather than actually address the substance of your post, you're allowing people to respond to silliness. Why give them that option? I think that Trump is a complete charlatan and con man. He's despicable in so many ways. I think he deftly takes advantage of the vulnerable to their own detriment, and very effectively so. Even so, the Turd garbage bugs the ever living crap out of me. Don't be incompetent.
  8. Got a couple of LG G6 devices this last week. I like 'em. With all the promos that Sprint was throwing out there, it was pretty solid deal.
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/seanhannity/status/375071259643879425?ref_src=twsrc^tfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-37429440063463883360.ampproject.net%2F1491601970987%2Fframe.html
  10. The answer depends on if you're asking 6/14/13 Jay or 4/6/17 Jay. You're going to have to clarify.
  11. Especially when he's basically a net zero on the issue in question. This is akin to an arsonist putting out a fire after setting it off. Props to the arsonist?
  12. Syriasly, there are better places for your guy to throw money.
  13. I think that the coaching staff looks really good, but it's really impossible to tell. Wilcox has been rather good everywhere he's been except for USC, but that was a completely dysfunctional situation. He says all the right things, but all coaches do. There's definitely a shortage of depth everywhere but on offense. That'll be difficult to overcome at first. I hope these guys can recruit well. Side note: we were actually in Colorado a couple of weeks ago and we were at the pool with Scout and her cousins. I looked over at the dude next to me and did a double take. Sonny freaking Dykes. He was with his daughter and I wasn't going to bug him, but if he hadn't been with his kid I would have asked him just how tough it is to run a program in that environment, amongst other things.
  14. ...and that's exactly why Arizona has a lower violent crime, murder and gun murder rate than California. Oh, wait a second...
  15. We're here right now. It's pretty great. Had some of the aforementioned hot chicken last night... delicious. We're headed to Memphis for the day on Monday... BBQ!
  16. That's ridiculous and completely devoid of logic. It's not shocking, but c'mon.
  17. Yes, yes. Brilliant. This thread and its 37 posts spread out over the scant 65 days since it was started sure seems to be consuming a lot of time. I honestly think you may be kinda confused over whose time the pizzagate silliness has been occupying. Hint: it's not the people that aren't spending hours and hours of their time reading about it and following people like Alex Jones. On the basis of your incredibly saavy analysis there and MAGA's posts in this thread, I performed a Google image search and it returned the following photo of the two of you dapper gentlemen:
  18. So then we go to single payer and the insurance companies thrive? I think they'll have to figure out a way to make this system work.
  19. I think that's about as close as you've come yet to admitting that you're a troll. I like it.
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