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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. I might burn a chocolate Pop Tart on purpose just to see the green flame. Or I guess I could just look it up on YouTube.
  2. Not surprising that the dude who wrote a book about what a great leader he is, is a serial sexual abuser. He should have resigned over the nursing home stuff.
  3. Their magic man is slightly different than my magic man. Mine is a Sky Wizard.
  4. Tony Reagins probably stopped by before you and picked up a big order for his family gathering.
  5. Someone told me yesterday they aren't getting vaccinated, and that the J&J vaccine has "fetal cells" in it.
  6. Will be at tomorrow's game. Bummed I'm missing Ohtani by one day. But I hope he dominates.
  7. I refuse to dehumanize myself like that again. Does 2 PM today work?
  8. I don't know what he's making rain, but it ain't cash.
  9. Yes, my plan succeeded. Next up: finally convincing @Tank to read The New Jim Crow.
  10. You brought it up first. It would be like Adam Larry st1ck low-key mentioning how he came out of the closet over the weekend, and then when we ask him about it, him saying, "You guys sure seem to be obsessed with my sexuality."
  11. You are making a strawman, since she doesn't think there's no hope for white people and that they'll never overcome their racial biases. Otherwise, why even have a message at all? Source: I read the book.
  12. Lol, you can keep strawmanning her argument while refusing to read her book. Also, how do you know she charges $85,000? I can't find that anywhere.
  13. You paid for books by Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck but won't pay for a book by Robin DiAngelo?
  14. He was called out because of that stupid "Tucker's Reaction" MAGA pr0n that Fox News did. It was another example of him being a partisan hack.
  15. st1ck laid out why Tucker Carlson is a dick. He's a snake oil salesman dealing in fake info that is meant to incite false outrage among right-leaning folk. He knowingly lies through his teeth every day. Yes, there are people on the left who do the same thing, and they are also Adams.
  16. What if they are dicks, though? Personally I don't call people* that. *Other than Adam
  17. I think you're one of the fairest people on the board but this false equivocation is nonsense. I could see a legitimate comparison between Tucker Carlson and Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow, partisan hacks who work for the big news networks. But comparing Carlson to Jon Stewart is just dumb.
  18. He should switch parties, and the allegations of sexual misconduct will make him even more popular with his new base.
  19. She's already vaccinated, so I don't have to wait.
  20. Nothing that rational folks haven't known for a year.
  21. Biden skus in a lot of ways, but it's refreshing to have a president who tells the truth about the virus.
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