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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. On the flip side, if you have $5 billion a bunch of dudebros on Twitter will defend you at every turn with cultlike efficiency.
  2. I've had a full beard since I was 23 (I'm 32 now). I'm afraid if I shaved I'd have a quadruple chin.
  3. Not everyone has equal opportunities to do this. Sure, many people squander their opportunities, but there are others who will never ever be at the top of the food chain even if they are the hardest workers in their organizations. Who you know, where you come from, and what kind of lucky breaks you get are just as influential as hard work and creativity.
  4. The full goatee is a good look on you.
  5. But it's impossible to be ultra wealthy without having people under you who make a meager wage. It's why I have a lot of respect for companies like In-N-Out that lead the way in paying their employees a decent wage.
  6. I just hope we get a full Spring Training. If we don't, who knows what kind of injuries and underwhelming performances will happen in April and May.
  7. The U.S. economy is intentionally structured to benefit the (mostly white male) ultrarich at the expense of the everyday American. So the myths of "individual liberty" and the American dream are folktales told to the masses to keep them from questioning the status quo and keep them believing they can be one of the minute percentage of individuals who experience extreme wealth. The MLB's anti-trust status is a relic of a time when capitalism wasn't reigned in and eventually resulted in the Great Depression. Our government responded with FDR's New Deal, which put some restraints on pure capitalism and expanded the power of the federal government. During the Reagan years, the (mostly white male) ultrarich gained back much of their power to exploit marginalized folks in order to pad their overflowing pockets. We're still effectively living in the Reagan "trickle down" era, to the point where even "progressive" presidents like Obama feel compelled to bail out the (mostly white male) CEOs who caused the Great Recession.
  8. It's booming for the gas companies.
  9. I'd rather be rich. Oh wait, wrong thread.
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