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Everything posted by Reveille1984

  1. Usually at first runners try and just touch the bag and kind of slide past/over it, which has a huge potential for injury when you're running full speed. They start the slide much later. As opposed to other bases, you don't have to slide under a tag; you're just trying to beat the ball. Sliding into 2nd and 3rd you slide much earlier, so your momentum is slowed as you approach the base and try to get under the tag. It isn't even necessarily even the injury risk that makes it dumb, it's the fact that the runner isn't getting to the base any faster by sliding rather than just running through it.
  2. Sliding headfirst into first base does not equate to "making an effort" any moreso than just running through the bag. It's like commending someone for picking up dogshit with their hands instead of a shovel because it requires more effort and grit. There's no reason for any player to ever slide while running to first. The risk vs. reward is pretty much nonexistent; all risk zero reward.
  3. We really need some SP to pan out, so I will be cautiously optimistic.
  4. Things like TJ surgery are hugely variable. The Angels can't really do anything to get guys back faster from mega serious arm injuries, it isn't like there's hundreds of different rehab policies that different teams employ. Surgery, post-op rest, physical therapy and rebuilding arm-strength are pretty self explanatory. Madson is also nearly ten years older than Strasburg. Obviously younger players have the tendency to bounce back quicker from injury.
  5. Was hitting 95 a lot yesterday, which is harder than I remember him throwing. If he can't get control of his breaking pitches he sucks. He was throwing a lot of meatball fastballs even when he was way ahead in the count yesterday. Crossed up Iannetta pretty hard on at least three different occasions as well.
  6. I'd rather bring up Cron to DH than sign Kendrys anyways. Unless it's after the draft. Losing a pick for Morales would be fully retarded.
  7. As an aside, Zach Borenstein went 3-4 with 4 SB yesterday. Seems like he isn't skipping a beat in AA so far.
  8. He's definitely been hard to watch so far this season, not even just at the plate. He's made multiple defensive miscues; I can remember two in one game the other day just off the top of my head (throw to phantom first baseman on the bunt attempt, not reaching an easily playable foul pop-up). That was the same game where he got caught in between first and second on a single by Hamilton as well. I'm trying to be patient with the guy, but his shitty play on both sides of the ball coupled with his constant look of exasperation/stinkface are making it harder by the day.
  9. They're probably going to see what Guerrero can develop into this season in the minors before they make any rash decisions about 2B. Gordon has started off hot too (which probably won't last long, but there it is).
  10. It will probably just come down to what the pitchers are comfortable with honestly. Neither one is really head and shoulders above the other talent-wise.
  11. I'd definitely explore trading Howie for some pitching, I don't really think the demand is there though. Seems it would have happened already if it were going to.
  12. Trumbo is 28 and has been basically the same player for his entire career. He's an average, one-tool player. We should be ecstatic to get not only Skaggs but Santiago as well.
  13. Might as well just put a five man shift on the left side of the infield when Pujols comes to the plate lately.
  14. Hard to believe we've only given up one run with 6 walks in 6 innings.
  15. Game is going over 2.5 hours and we still haven't finished the sixth inning, yikes
  16. At least his pitching pace is insanely slow along with him being terrible!
  17. Hopefully Garrett can finally break out this year. Would really help us out substantially.
  18. Only 2 of our 9 batters are hitting over .200 so far, keeping the slow start tradition aive
  19. This catcher is saving Harrell's ass as well, really annoying. Could easily have 2-3 more runs on balls in the dirt
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