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Everything posted by REDneck

  1. Halos, Braves, Phils and Reds playing the best ball in the bigs in their last 10. All 8-2, Reds picking a good time to get hot with the Astros on the docket. Absolutely no reason for this team to let up against the worst team in the league....and that's saying something with the A's record.
  2. Rendon has always looked limp wristed , if you ask me.
  3. Yeah, I don't think the Rays are going to give that up. Although, the O's are hanging not to far back of them. We will see what kind of second half the O's will have.
  4. He must be on speed cycle this time and missed the hot cycle altogether.
  5. No! Rendon doesn't do this!
  6. Great in depth analysis Doc! I think Nevin should try and change the scenery in the lineup for Trout. Not drop him down, but move him up and bat him ahead of Ohtani. Either flip flop them or hell even have Trout lead off for a few games. Nevin isn't going to drop him down in the lineup out of respect. It's not because I think Ohtani protecting Trout in the lineup would necessarily help him, but is it possible that Ohtani hitting ahead of Trout is throwing him off a little bit? Ohtani,maybe stealing some of the thunder? Simplistic approach and I'm grasping, but Nevin has to try something.
  7. Injury issues and Trout concerns set aside, this team is only a game out of the SECOND wild card all of a sudden.
  8. Seriously, what's up with the Cowgirl attire? Marketing? Promoting football season already? Or just trying look tough?
  9. Not a bad looking lineup considering the circumstances. Just a gut feeling, Rendon needs to carry this team tonight
  10. Pencil Velazquez into tonight's lineup. Nothing wrong with trying to be preventive with SO on the mound tonight
  11. Not nearly as many as I would like. I'm jealous of ya'll! I got the Big A, the latrine and Coors for current stadiums. Four defunct ones...the Murph, Ballpark in Arlington, new Comiskey', the stadium in ATL in between Fulton county and the current one? Bucket list before I kick it is to follow the Halos around the country in a Winnebago one summer and see all the ballparks! I will say this my best baseball experiences have not been at MLB stadiums. Williamsport PA, last year for the Halos was awesome! Tempe Diablo, the first year we signed Pujols? Joseph Riley park right here in lil ole Charleston,SC to watch the Riverdogs esp on thirsty Thursdays...Yanks A team.
  12. I think a win tonight will go along way to solidify the "all in" mindset. Of course, if we piss away any momentum we gain in Texas away in KC that could change again.
  13. I guess Tempe Diablo doesn't count? I'm trying to get my tally.
  14. Wow! Was not aware of this. If I was I may have reconsidered my post about Goldie, Nah!
  15. How else is he going to emphasize his point? ALL CAPS?
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